The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine June 1, 2015, Issue 5 | Page 21

And yet, in this year of 2015, believer s r eact as if w e w er e still living in the m iddle ages. W hy is this? Ever y r eligion has its fanatics r eady to pr ove their r eligion and belief 's ar e the only r ight ones thr ough violence. Fr om Ir an to Isr ael, the US to Syr ia, the Palestinians to Isr ael, videos pour ed in r eflecting Isn? it am azing that these sm all gr oups of t extr em ists ar e unable to be stopped by these lar ge gover nm ental m ilitar y bodies? Is it tr ue that these gr oups ar e r eally about r eligion or ar e they about contr olling the m asses w ith fear ? Know ledge of how our collective consciousness w or ks can effectively put them OUT OF BUSINESS if m illions of people stand up and say NO M ORE. Its tim e to end Boko Har am and ISIS by letting go of the fear and finally stop believing in their pow er. The only pow er they have is w ithin our m inds. Dur ing my speech at M adonna Univer sity, I ur ged the students to talk to people in other countr ies via the com puter. The m or e they connect, the faster a shift in ener gy takes place. Pl ease v i si t You Tu an d w at ch " We LOVE YOU I r an & I sr ael . I talked of these YouTube videos w her e w e see individuals com m unicating to countr ies expr essing their love and w ishes for the ending of thr eats of w ar s and bom bs. Ronny Edr y star ted the ball r olling by r eading a letter to Ir anians stating that as an Isr aeli, he w ishes no har m to com e to the Ir anians. He tells the Ir anians that he loves and honor s them . A w ave of videos fr om other countr ies star ted com ing into YouTube, each sending love and suppor t to those thr eaten by violence and w ar s. love and honor to all. This act by a few hundr ed people changed the vibr ation of thousands of year s. We ar e hum ans having a spir itual exper ience and although w e have tr em endous pow er individually, our com bined ener gy together is SO pow er ful w e can liter ally change our path to one of lasting w or ld peace. Jew el s Joh n son has been w or king on Peace Pr ojects for the last 30 year s. She w as r esponsible for br inging the Peace Builder 's pr ogr am to Public schools system thr oughout Califor nia. She is the talk show host of Law of At t r act i on Tal k Radi o Sh ow, an d CEO of bot h Law of At t r act i on Radi o Net w or k an d t h i s m agazi n e. She continues to talk about peace for the individual soul and for the w or ld as her No. 1 top pr ior ity. Jew els w ishes to convey her sincer e thanks and gr atitude to M adon n a Un i ver si t y and the I n t er n at i on al Fou n dat i on f or Wor l d Peace an d Resear ch for their contr ibutions bestow ed upon the planet as w ell as for her tr ip of a lifetim e to Afr ica. Page 20 - The Science Behind Law of At t ract ion Magazine - June, 2015