The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine July, 2018 | Page 7

? Conversations with God .? I dug out the books and read them . Some relief . I went to the bookstore and bought more ? weird ? books in the alternative section of the store . More relief . The more I read the Woo Woo self-help books based on the law of attraction , the better I felt .
For the next five years I read every book I could get my hands on in this genre . The anxiety attacks subsided , and my curiosity intensified .
I loved this stuff . I felt better . It touched my soul . But I wasn ? t manifesting all the things I thought I wanted and had ? ordered from the catalog of life ? as all the books suggested . I asked for what I wanted . I waited . And waited . And waited . Nothing happened .
? Have you been there ? Wanting something more ?... Buying , reading and screaming at all the self-help books you could get your hands on to no avail ? Wanting the Law of Attraction , or the Seven Habits , or the The Seven Spiritual Laws to work for you ? But not immediately seeing your wish list materialize , tossing the books into the trash ? ( Hopefully , the recycle bin .)
? The big question is : Why didn ? t it work for me ?
? It took me years of searching and reading and listening to the greatest teachers in the world to find the answer , to find the magic . And not meaning to sound pretentious , I have .? The Lawyer and The Law of Attraction , p . xiii
What was the answer ? The law of attraction does not attract to you what you WANT . The law of attraction attracts to you what you ARE .
? Well , uh , wait a minute ,? you say . ? I don ? t want what I already am or have . I want a lot more money , a skinnier body , the love of my life , the ability to follow my passion . To heck with what I ? ve got now .?
And that my friends , is the ultimate conundrum . Until you change who you are , in your deep down subconscious mind , you will never change your life .
Information regarding how to change our subconscious mind , our past conditioning that has been instilled in us since birth , is becoming more available than it has in the past . In my book , I go
" The mor e I r ead the Woo Woo self-help books based on the Law of Attr action , The better I felt ."
Paula Kidd Casey
into detail and show you step by step how to change your conditioned , subconscious mind , which controls what you do 95 % of the time . The information is necessary , life altering and too vast to go into here . ( Read my book and email me , I would love to discuss this further .)
But for now , I want to introduce ( finally ) one concept most other books do not teach ? the WIMPIR factor . WIMPIR is an acronym for WILL , IMAGINATION , MEMEORY , PERCEPTION , INTUITION , AND REASON . This concept allows us to take control of our ? moments ? in each circumstance we find ourselves , to choose a response that serves our goals and dreams .
In a normal day , in a normal situation , a normal person REACTS to the conditions they find in their outside life with their five instinctual senses ? hearing , seeing , smelling , feeling , tasting . They let situations outside of themselves control how they will feel , based on their past conditioning and their knee jerk reaction to things .
There is another way , however , to respond to our environment , one that puts us squarely in control of how we think , feel and RESPOND to any situation in which we find ourselves . And that new way is using our WIMPIR facilities , the six intellectual tools that we have at our disposal , but probably don ? t even know we have , yet alone know how to use .
To be able to put these tools to use , however , we must first realize how important the present moment , the NOW , is in our lives . The present
Page 7 - July 2018