The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine July, 2018 | Page 53

A Radi cal New A pproach To Worl d Ci ti zensh i p Josh ua Ch annel ed by Gary Templ e Bodl ey You are all one, living as individuals on your planet. You separate yourselves by borders, by cultures, by religion, by race, by sex, by age, by political affiliation, and by class. It is time for these separations to fall apart. you also intended the freedom to pursue your dreams. While you seal yourselves off behind the borders of your country, you create resentment among the less fortunate. This results in war and strife, which diminish your standard of living. You are one. You need not separate yourselves from each other. You are traveling in a very small spaceship within an infinitely large universe. You once segregated yourselves on buses, now you ride together. The same must be true of your planet. The good that will come from living together and supporting each other far outweighs the sum of your fears. The value of a one-world community is such that will allow you all to live as you intended in love rather than in fear. As you live in fear of your neighbors, you hold yourself apart from who you really are. When you classify another human as your enemy, you create more separation which does not serve who you say you want to be. You believe that since you were born in a certain place that you are deserving of all that you have. If another is born in an underdeveloped nation, he should be forced to stay there for the entirety of his life. He should not be able to gain access to your country or your standard of living. He shall be doomed to his existence by the chance of his birth. This is not a conscious approach to reality. While it is true that you choose your birthplace and your parents based on the trajectory you intended, A conscious creator sees all as equally worthy and unique. You see value in all lives, all cultures, and all beliefs. You understand that we are all one, that there is no separation, and that borders are an unnatural manifestation of fear. All devices used to protect oneself from another are based in fear and therefore perpetuate limiting beliefs. The cost of these fears is astronomical. It costs you unseen expense in the limitation of your experience. As you are taught to believe that other cultures are bad and your culture is good, you create a framework of duality which becomes very difficult to dismantle. Limiting, fear-based beliefs are promoted and adopted by the masses. You build insanely expensive armies to defend Page 53 -Ju ly, 2018