The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine July, 2018 | Page 13

in the form of numbers that contain a characteristic with a unique flavor and style .
I believe that these frequencies depart the drum / zero / void with a specific intention to explore the universe outside of its origin and will always return home when the mission is completed . The intention is that we return home with the same pure frequency we entered this world . Egyptian Numerology can assist in defining the frequency you chose when you entered this life and describe to you in words the various areas of your life that are affected by this frequency . This will enable you to navigate a better understanding or perspective of the life you chose to live .
One of the main areas of your birth chart is called your Soul life path . It is the sum total of your birth date , month and year . It describes the direction your life will take , what challenges you will encounter , and the opportunities you will come across . It tells you what your life journey will look like and how you will connect with the outside world . This number also represents the traits and talents that you were born with . Your life path and the numbers derived from it show what you received from the world , which is the result of what you project in it , even if you don ? t feel as if you had any part in creating the experience you encounter . It inevitably follows the law of attraction because there are magnetic forces that draw to you various vibrations , events and circumstances throughout your life and all of these are influenced by your soul life path number .
The Karmic lesson number used in comprising your birth chart is a unique astrological calculation found only in Egyptian Numerology . It is a number that shows your opportunity for receiving lessons . Our karmic number is what drives us forward to meet our challenges and motivates us to move onward toward our soul path and highest evolution . Not only does understanding your karmic number help you resolve past actions in other lifetimes ; it also helps you reap the rewards from seeds you have sown in this lifetime . When working with this number , we bring to our attention the use of high and low frequency . When the number vibration is working on a higher frequency , we creating what is known as our ? virtues ?, and when we are using our number frequencies on a lower level , we are choosing to vibrate and create what we call our ? vices .?
The Soul Life Purpose Number is the sum total of your karmic lesson number and your life path number . Here we are taking your life lessons and your life path and combining their value to bring what you ? ve been trying to heal over many lifetimes and definitely want to heal in this lifetime . This is a personal number , and it will most definitely point to your behaviors and belief systems . The value of this number is considered one of the most important numbers to understand because it will show you how to best serve yourself and others .
Your name is your power of choice . The right words define your level of knowledge and experience . They are the keys that open the doors to the life you desire . Words are a control system for our own personal magic . The arithmancy of your birth name is recognized as sacred and of extreme relevance and when charted can bring to surface three major areas . The first one is called your Heart ? s desire and is the sum total of all
Page 13 - July , 2018

So u l ^