The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine January, 2018 | Page 51

Sam T ay l or

Rein car n ation is a f ascin atin g subject th at h as r em ain ed on th e f r in ge of scien tif ic study for too lon g .

Fortunately , it has recently begun to attract serious interest from the scientific community . Decades ago , American astronomer and astrobiologist Carl Sagan stated that ? there are three claims in the [ parapsychology ] field which , in my opinion , deserve serious study ,? with one being ? that young children sometimes report details of a previous life , which upon checking turn out to be accurate and which they could not have known about in any other way than reincarnation .?
Fast forward to today , and amazing discoveries have been made , as multiple researchers have taken it upon themselves to study this intriguing and inexplicable ? at least from a materialist scientific world view ? phenomenon . Subjects like reincarnation belong to the non-material sciences , an area of research that deserves more attention . As Nikola Tesla himself said , ? the day science begins to study non-physical phenomena , it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence .?
University of Virginia psychiatrist Jim Tucker is arguably the world ? s leading researcher on this topic , and in 2008 , he published a review of cases that were suggestive of reincarnation in the Journal , Explore .
A typical reincarnation case , described by Jim , includes subjects reporting a past life experience . The interesting thing is that 100 percent of subjects who report past life remembrance are children . The average age when they start remembering their past life is at 35 months , and their descriptions of events and experiences from their past life are often extensive and remarkably detailed . Tucker has pointed out that these children show very strong emotional involvement when they speak about their experiences ; some
Psychiat r ist Jim Tucker actually cry and beg their parents to be taken to what they say is their previous family .
According to Tucker :
The subjects usually stop making their past-life statements by the age of six to seven , and most seem to lose the purported memories . This is the age when children start school and begin having more experiences in the current life , as well as when they tend to lose their early childhood memories .
Sam T ay l or
Sam Taylor is one child Tucker studied and wrote about . Born 18 months after his paternal grandfather died , he first began recalling details of a past life when he was just over a year old :
When he was 1.5 years old , he looked up as his father was changing his diaper and said , ? When I was your age , I used to change your diapers .? He began talking more about having been his grandfather . He eventually told details of his grandfather ? s life that his parents felt certain he could not have learned through normal means , such as the fact that his grandfather ? s sister had been murdered and that his grandmother had used a food processor to make milkshakes for his grandfather every day at the end of his life . ( source )
Pretty remarkable , isn ? t it ?

Ry an ? A B oy Fr om T h e M i d w est

Ryan ? s story began when he was 4 years old , when he was experiencing frequent , horrible nightmares . Once he turned five , he made an announcement to his mother . He told her , ? I used to be somebody else .?
He would often talk about ? going home ? to Hollywood and would beg his mother to take him there . He told her detailed stories about meeting stars like Rita Hayworth , dancing in Broadway productions , and working for an agency where people would frequently change their names . He even remembered that the name of
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