The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine January, 2018 | Page 43

H ave you n oticed a r epeatin g patter n of n um ber s appear in g in your life ?

You are driving down the road and you see the same numbers on license plates or you may wake up and notice the same numbers such as 1:11 or 2:22 . At work , you may look at the clock at the precise moment that those same numbers pop up . Or perhaps you are at the grocery store and the grocery tab totals $ 12.34 ! Finally you think , ? Well , this can ? t just be coincidence . ? What in the world is going on ??
This is the Universe trying to communicate with you . Numbers can and do deliver specific messages through certain numbers and sequences . Step back for a moment and think about the questions that have been lingering in your mind . What is it that you want answers to ?
Now run , don ? t walk and do some research . Remember , don ? t stop until you find the answer that resonates with you and you get that full fledge Ah-Ha feeling !
Why Do Numbers Mat t er ?
Since the time that Greek philosopher Pythagoras of Samos lived , he sought to interpret the entire physical world in terms of numbers , and founded their systematic and mystical study ; Pythagoras said , ? Numbers rule the universe .? Amazingly , science has only continued to prove how right he was . We find repeating number patterns in sound , geometry , the measurements of celestial stars , and countless other realms of the scientific world . These incredible coincidences and concurrences affirm numeric design as a key foundation of the universe . Numbers prove that there is precise balance in all things . And just like everything else in the universe , numbers carry an energetic vibration .
When you keep seeing the same numbers at seemingly just the ? right ? moment , the Universe is trying to get you to pay attention to the vibrational significance of those numbers . It is giving you a gentle nudge to quiet your mind and reflect on those numbers , their purpose , their meaning , and their message . The more a number repeats in sequence , the more ? supercharged ? its vibration becomes .
What are t he Meaning behind cert ain numbers ?
Similar to numerology , there is a range of numbers that have each been assigned a specific meaning . This range includes the numbers 1-9 , and the master numbers 11 and 22 . Where their meanings came from is a mystery . But the study of mystical numbers and the hidden study of numerology dates back thousands of years .
Here are just some of the meanings . Remember , keep researching until you find the answer that resonates to your inner most questions that you have been putting out to the Universe .
1 ? New beginnings , focus on the positive , you ? re manifesting what you think about so clean up your thoughts ! Also is oneness with God or the Universe and feelings of unity .
2 ? This is the energy of balance , partnership , of bringing the masculine and feminine energies together . It ? s a message that all is well . Trust and patience is required . Right action , healthy emotional boundaries , and love are required . It can also be telling you that something in your life is out of balance .
3 ? Represents the trinity of mind / body / spirit . It ? s bringing you a spiritual message . This is your sign from the higher source ? God , Buddha , Jesus ? whatever and whomever you believe in . It ? s also the energy of communication , joyful self-expression , and emotional sensitivity . It ? s telling you to live ? in joy ? as much as possible .
4 ? This number indicates the opportunity to grow in perfect balance with a partner . If you see this number , your guides are assuring you that they hear you and are helping and supporting you . It can indicate hard work is needed to achieve a goal and that you ? re either craving security or feeling boxed in by limitations . The message : Cultivate flexibility .
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