The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine February, 2017 | Page 54

What We Do to Other Life , We do To Ourselves By Mart in Neil Campbel l

What we do to others , we do to ourselves . The actions of corporations and governments can severely impact all life on our planet . With this in mind , my opening statement would be more accurate if it read : ? What we do to other life , we do to ourselves .?
I have said this before : the problem with humanity is greed and our need for immediate monetary gain . In the last twenty years we have begun to recognize that how we conduct ourselves directly affects our ability to continue living on this planet . Money and immediate personal gain have falsely been placed first . People are persistent with their goal to make more money but refrain from caring about the results of their actions . We claim to care about the starving of the world and the abused , but history and our current day behaviors show we do not . We look the other way . We do this as we don ' t want to give up any of our money or possessions , so we exhibit behaviors of being self centered , greedy and hoarders . Even though we have starving and abused people of our own , those with more money , power and wealth rarely want to help alleviate any of these
Page 54 - February , 2017