The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine February, 2017 | Page 15

By D r . Steve G . Jon es , Ed . D .

Pr ogr am m i n g You r Su bcon sci ou s M i n d f or W eal th

By D r . Steve G . Jon es , Ed . D .

L et m e i n tr od u ce m y sel f !
I am Dr . Steve G . Jones , a board certified clinical hypnotherapist who has been practicing hypnotherapy since the 1980s . I have written 25 books on such topics as hypnosis , the law of attraction and weight loss . Additionally , my contributions to the world of personal development include over 9,000 self-improvement and hypnosis mp3s and 22 different online certification programs , which are sold in over 140 countries .
In the mid 80 ' s , I began study at the University of Florida . My primary focuses were cognitive psychology and understanding how people learn . Much of this early research was published in psychology journals in the late 80 ' s . Meanwhile , I continued practicing hypnosis outside of academia on a regular basis .
From 1990 to 1995 , my focus was on counseling families and individuals . During this time my undergraduate studies in psychology at the University of Florida were completed , allowing me to go on to graduate studies in counseling . I have a bachelor ' s degree in psychology from the University of Florida ( 1994 ), a master ' s degree in education ( M . Ed .) from Armstrong Atlantic State University
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( 2007 ), a specialist degree ( Ed . S .) in education ( 2009 ), a doctorate in education ( Ed . D .) from Georgia Southern University ( 2013 ) and I studied graduate cognitive psychology at Harvard University . My current clients see me for a variety of conditions . I am also fortunate to work extensively with Hollywood actors , writers , directors , and producers , helping them achieve their very best . I have been featured on Bravo TV ? s Millionaire Matchmaker and Below Deck as both a hypnotherapist and a millionaire as well as being interviewed on CNN , ABC , NBC and CBS .
This article is intended to help you with programming your subconscious mind for wealth . My goal here is to help you break down limiting wealth beliefs to allow wealth into your life and to help you overcome the fears of success and failure .
Many people get to a certain point with the Law of Attraction and then they find that they have a self-sabotaging mechanism built in to their subconscious minds . You might think , ? Why would anyone be afraid of success ? Why would anyone not really want to be wealthy ??
If you were to ask yourself whether or not you felt worthy of success , your conscious