The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine February, 2017 | Page 10

By Dr . St anley Gr avely , Ph . D A ut hor of t he Book , The Law of A t t r act ion Bible

Your Emot ions Guid e You t o Your H appiness

By Dr . St anley Gr avely , Ph . D A ut hor of t he Book , The Law of A t t r act ion Bible

The Law of Attraction teaches us that emotions are the true feelings that guide and direct all humans in one direction or another . You can trust your emotions to guide you . They are indicators of where you are and how you truly feel about where you are . Just as physical pain indicates and sets off alarms of danger , emotional pains do likewise . It is perfectly normal to want to feel good . Whenever you don ? t feel good , that is an indicator that something is off . Your emotions are your guidance system !
If you are emotionally feeling bad and not happy , this indicates that you ? re not living life according to what makes you happy . Life is supposed to be fun . Life is supposed to feel good . Health , wealth , happiness and freedom to be you , are your Universal rights in coming to Earth . You did not come here as a sinner in need of saving . You did not come here to experience the judgment of a god or person . You came here to live life to ITS fullest extent .
Some say you cannot trust your emotions . However , emotions are the true indicators of how you feel . You can rationalize with your brain all day and come to many different conclusions . But your emotions are always telling you how you really feel and how you think about
Page 10 - February , 2017