The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine February, 2016 | Page 43

The animal then needs to adapt and evolve as well. This creates a symbiotic relationship. Unfortunately, we live in very combative and stressful world where we have wars on drugs, cancer, and on nations. To fully embrace Lamarcks theory of evolution, we can see that we are in more of a parasitic phase and need to start working symbiotically with people as well as the Earth. Rudolph Steiner believed in a "Four Body Theory" when discussing nature. The f irst body is the physical body that is comprised of minerals. The second body would be the etheric body, or energy body that includes the plant kingdom. The third body would be the astral body, or emotional body that includes the animals. The f ourt h body is the Ego, or spiritual body and this is where humans fit. Steiner?s theory suggests that an imbalance in anyone of these bodies, creates an imbalance in the system as a whole. Thus if there is a structural issue there can be an emotional aspect to it. its result. Is Inf l ammat ion good or bad? Inflammation is the way we heal. When we cut ourselves, the area around the cut gets red as it becomes inflamed. This is the body actively working to heal the wound. Now when the inflammation gets trapped is when we get sick. It gets trapped through injuries, surgeries, birth traumas, and even emotional traumas. We can monitor the inflammation in the microscope b