The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine February, 2016 | Page 41

Hol ograph i c Bl ood Rev eal i ng th e Li f e Sav i ng M essages th rough th e I mages i n Your Bl ood By Josh ua Bi gel sen and A dam Bi gel sen What if your bl ood t ol d you why your l ower back pain st il l exist s af t er al l t hese years? What if you f inal l y knew where t hose st uck emot ions accumul at ed in your body? in cel l s and even major organs? What if you coul d act ual l y see what your mind-body connect ion has known f or years and has been t rying t o t el l you? Today, you are one st ep cl oser t o underst anding images creat ed by your bl ood by a simpl e prick t o t he f inger. In a mat t er of seconds your bl ood reveal s t he answers in which t o work in part nership wit h modern medicine t o secure l ong l ast ing good heal t h and emot ional wel l -being. The answers you seek are in YOUR brilliant Holographic Blood. Page 41 - April , 2016