The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine February, 2016 | Page 36

Th e Teach i n gs of Josh u a A Radi cal New Appr oach t o Gover n m en t Ch an n el l ed by Gar y Tem pl e Bodl ey You are in a time of awakening and millions of people all over the world are coming out of the haze of duality and embracing neutrality. When you come to know the laws of the universe and the mechanism of physical reality, the mass consciousness of your world will shift. There will be more of you living in love and less living in fear. Change will occur naturally and swiftly. Flawed institutions will crumble and human separations will fall apart. You will become as one and will live in harmony. You will allow the standards of all to rise and you will balance your own standards as well. As you learn to base you personal decisions on love, your government will begin to do the same. You will look back on this period in your history and you will not truly believe the progress that has been made is such a short time. Here is what will happen as the consciousness moves from fear to love. Without fear you have no need for armies or borders. You will have no need for many different countries and many governments. You will have no need for separation since you operate from a stance of love and acceptance. You not only tolerate your cultural differences, you appreciate those differences for the tapestry that is created. When you have a mass consciousness that has shifted from fear to love, you have no need for any institution that constricts your personal freedom. As consciousness shifts from fear to love you will see all as truly equal and worthy. You will Page 36 - April , 2016