The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine February, 2016 | Page 3

TABLEO FCO NTENTS A Turning Point of Lif e - A New Lease on Lif e By Gregg Braden 4 At t ract ing t he Right t o Be Yoursel f By St ephanie Wood 6 I Use t he Law of At t ract ion t o Be Younger. So Can YOU! El l en Wood 10 Reverse Cavit ies Nat ural l y Dr. Josh Axe 12 Frankincense Essent ial Oil Superior in Treat ing Cancer Amy Goodrich 14 Let Go and Trust YOU! Coach Rit a Hurry 17 The Real Secret t o t he Law of At t ract ion - The Pineal Gl and 20 Jewel s Johnson April & May 2016 Ast rol ogy Forecast By Int ernat ional Ast rol oger Manish Kamur Arora 26 Heal t h & Wel l -Being Through our Core Drivers Mart in Neil Campbel l 28 How My Shoes Were t he Keys t o My Cast l e LOA Coach Cassie Parks 32 A Radical New Approach To Government 36 Joshua as Channel ed by Gary Templ e Bodl ey Hol ographic Bl ood By Joshua Bigel sen and Adam Bigel sen 40 Scient ist s Prove t hat DNA can be Reprogram t hrough Words By Grazyna Fosar and Franz Bl udorf Spirit ual it y and t he Law of At t ract ion By Michael Pearl man, M.D. 46 52 For Questions or Comments or to inquire about Advertising, contact us at: St af f @l oaradionet Jewels Johnson, Editor-in-Chief Her e's to beautiful Spr ing as w e br ing for th br and new ener gy! Ther e is so m any new and delightful things ahead for us to r evel in even dur ing these challenging tim es. I asked a question to the Univer se last w eek . "How ar e w e suppose to r eact to all people w ho ar e being killed in attacks. It's getting to be so over w helm ing!" The answ er I got back is that w e need to feel those sad and discour aging em otions for that is exactly w hat br ings for th gr eat desir e for the change that w e seek . In the m er e seconds it takes to feel sad and angr y, w e can choose to cr eate a better outcom e for hum anity. That's is exactly w hy I have such gr eat hope for the futur e. Ther e is no w ay our collective consciousness w ill stop cr eating som ething m uch better. The bigger the disaster , the m or e intense the em otions of the collective consciousness and the faster the m anifestation to cor r ect the situation. We ar e pow er ful and together , w e can cr eate a new w or ld you only dr eam ed of! Law of At t r act i on M agazi n e Jew el s Joh n son , Edi t or -I n -Ch i ef Ri t a Hu r r y, VP of Adver t i si n g Pam Som m er s - Ad Ex ec St even Li k i ar dopou l os, Page 3 - April , 2016