The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine February, 2016 | Page 28

H ealth and Well- Being T hrough O ur Core D r ivers By M ar tin N eil Cam pbell Do you desire wel l being, heal t h and abundance? I believe each of us can attain these through what I call our core drivers of love, joy, unity, understanding and freedom. When I practice applying the core drivers in day-to-day life, ultimately, there is nothing they cannot do, no problem they cannot solve. My core drivers have demonstrated that any desire, negative situation, health issue or relationship can be changed for my benefit. Bring yourself into alignment with yourself and work with your core drivers. People have been taught it is important to know how to threaten and hurt others both emotionally and physically. Anger and/ or fear occur because we believe someone has or will treat us poorly. Whether it is by putting us down, acting superior, abusing their power, being callous or Page 28 - April , 2016 through disrespect matters not the reason - we move into fear and move away from love. Once we learn to use our core drivers and back away from our fears, they become of little personal consequence. Do you know what the biggest cause of disease and death is in western societies? St ress. It creates havoc with our immune system, brain function and our major organs. Stress over a long period of time will literally begin to breakdown our energetic,