The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine February, 2016 | Page 17

L et Go & T r ust YOU By Coach R it a H ur ry Many of us are all too quick to blame life when things go wrong in the world. The amount of Social Media statuses I see stating ?Life is cruel?or ?this bad world?or ?life is hard?is increasing every day and one thing that all these people who say this on a regular basis have in common ? they all have mountains of problems regularly which they share on social media. Why? Their focus is on how life is bad! So like attracts like right? And when you share a problem, it doesn?t go away; it increases as the focus on it gets bigger. Lif e is al ways good t o us One key element is life is always good to us. No matter what you are going through in life, it is never life?s fault that situations occur, it is as a result of our vibrations that we are putting out into the Universe that is reflecting back to us. Yes, sometimes tragedy strikes, such as when we lose someone close to us, or when they make their transition into the spiritual world. We still have a choice on how this affects us for the rest of our life. Our responses to life events are what make life good or bad for us, not life itself. Our perception of each situation can work out for us and move us towards what we want from life, or it can be the break of us and move us further away. The decision always lies with us, not life. Your Journey is a gif t When we begin to look at life as choices we make, and that we can change how things are going by a decision we make, it gives us the ability to appreciate the journey more and we begin to embrace who we are. Each journey is a selection of choices that we choose to take. No two journeys are the same because no two spirits are the same. We all came on this earth to experience life, our unique life. Each living soul made the decision to come into life and to experience the experience we are having. This is what this whole life journey is all about ? embracing life and embracing you. Each journey we take, in every area of our life, is a gift. It allows us to see more, taste more, hear more, feel more and connect more. It Page 17 - April , 2016