The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine December, 2016 | Page 54

has not reincarnated. She told me you two have been together in 73 previous lifetimes and will be together in many more. You can talk with her anytime you wish. Just ask her a question in your head. Her answer will be the first thing that pops into your head. If the answer takes more than a couple of seconds, that?s your brain answering you. Hope this brings you some peace. Thanks for your question. Cause of Stomach Pain St ephanie f rom Earl t on, NY, asked: Miscarried Baby Hi Jul ie, Kil ey f rom Pocat el l o, ID, asked: I have been experiencing severe st omach and int est inal pain f or t wo years now. I've had a col onoscopy which didn't show anyt hing. I've given up gl ut en and t hat seems t o hel p, but my st omach is st il l so sensit ive. Dear Jul ie, I had a miscarriage 7 years ago t hat was very devast at ing f or me. One of t he t hings t hat has been real l y hard was t hat I miscarried at 11 weeks and never f ound out t he sex of my chil d. Can you t el l me what sex my chil d was and what has happened wit h t hem? Thanks. I of t en have an eight out of 10 pain l evel on t he l ower l ef t side of my abdomen. I've al so experienced weight gain, but I suppose t hat is pret t y common f or someone who is 48 years ol d. Can you do a scan on me pl ease? Thank you so much! Hi Kiley, Hi Stephanie, My condolences on the loss of your baby. When I got you on my radar, I could see what looked like a newborn infant wrapped in a receiving blanket with bunnies on it next to you. Your baby was a girl. She wanted me to let you know that everything unfolded perfectly. She told me she wanted to experience what it was like to be a miscarried fetus, and you wanted to experience what it was like to miscarry. You both got your wish. Your daughter told me she had a genetic mutation/ malfunction that caused the miscarriage. Although you may already know this, your baby wanted me to tell you what happened was perfectly normal. When scanning you, I see an overabundance of Candida (a systemic yeast infection) throughout your whole body. It looks like the white powder you see on a yeast roll and I believe is what's causing your symptoms. I also see what looks like an ulcer in the left lower region of your stomach. This condition has probably been caused by the use of antibiotics and birth control pills. Those prescriptions killed off a bunch of the good bacteria in your stomach allowing the yeast to get out of control. Miscarriages are nature?s method of making sure the human species survives. She said miscarriages are way more common than we think. It?s just that most women aren?t aware they?ve miscarried. The "yeasties" are crafty little critters that whack our gut biome. They replicate at an amazing rate and cause all sorts of problems. Candida can release over 100 known toxins into the blood stream through tears in the lining of your GI tract and cause a large variety of symptoms. This condition is known as Leaky Gut Syndrome and is called the missing diagnosis because so few doctors are knowledgeable enough to detect and treat it. Your baby?s spirit is always around you. So far, she When I energetically blew the yeast out of your system, I Page 54 - December, 2016