The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine December, 2016 | Page 50

? PH Y SIC IA N , H EA L T H Y SELF Do Y o u H av e t o Get a N ew C a r (O R A T LEA ST C A LL FO R SO M E A N G ELIC A SSISTA N C E) t o U p Y o u r V ibe? By C a ssie Pa r k s By A ngel C hannel M ichael K ut zin When I think about what happened and how easily I could have remedied it, I am reminded of what Fred Sanford (Redd Foxx) used to say to his son, Lamont (Desmond Wilson) on the 1970s sitcom Sanford and Son: ?You Big Dummy!? And why I will choose to be smarter, and happier, going forward. You see, the day before Thanksgiving, I was not in a high vibrational state. A more accurate description: I was in a lousy mood. Everyone was getting me angry. Colleagues were interrupting me nonstop, and without so much as the thought to say ?Excuse me? or to see whether I was busy with something that couldn?t be interrupted. I could barely control my temper, as I was furious with opposing counsel (did I mention that I practice law?), clients acting unreasonably, and my colleagues, as well as what I perceived to be an enormous amount of work with which I could not keep up. I literally felt like a hot electric current was running over my skin. For the most part, I had little opportunity to vent. Besides which, other than getting a little snarky with opposing counsel as part of fighting for my clients, losing my temper just because I was in such a foul frame of mind would have been about as constructive as throwing a coffee mug at my office window. For five seconds, it might have felt good, but the consequences (and the loss of a good Page 50 - December, 2016