The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine December, 2016 | Page 45

sometime in the next few months. If you want to support this fine work at UC San Diego and get a tax deduction, you can go to On a personal note, I have to admit that the writing of INOCULATED has been a period of great spiritual growth for me. In the midst of this overwhelming darkness, the goodness of the human spirit has shown through. Dr. Hooker and Dr. Wakefield embraced Dr. Thompson as a conflicted human being who had participated in what can only be described as crimes against humanity. Hooker and Wakefield have only been interested in justice, truth, and healing for a generation which currently suffers from record levels of neurological disease. Special Note from t he Editor-In-Chief Jewels Johnson. This book, Inoculated, is a must read because it separates "Fact from Fiction." Kent Heckenl ivel y delivers an extremely important and URGENT message that we must be aware of. Future generations are depending on us to bring them a safe and nurturing environment in which they can thrive. Our Children deserves no less than parents asking questions and then saying NO with educated answers. It's also time to start learning of ways to counteract the effects of vaccinations through food and through such methods developed by Dr. Robert Naviaux of UC San Diego. For t his reason, I am honored t o award Law of At t ract ion Magazine's Endorsed and MUST READ book t o Inocul at ed: How Science Lost it s Soul in Aut ism. Kent Heckenlively, J.D., is a science teacher, an attorney, and a founding contributing editor of Age of Autism. During college Heckenlively worked for US Senator Pete Wilson and in law school he was a writer and editor of the school?s law review and spent his summers working for the US Attorney?s Office in San Francisco. Kent got involved in Autism research due to his first born was diagnosed with autism. His 2nd child became mute after his inoculations and fortunately, he was able to reduce the effects by using certain food and minerals therapy which succeeded and reversed the effects completely. Unfortunately, the same therapy for his first born, a daughter, did not succeed. His previous book, PLAGUE, written with Dr. Judy Mikovits, a twenty-year government scientist and former head of the Lab of Anti-Viral Drug Mechanisms at the National Cancer Institute, is one of the best-selling virus books of the past twenty years. Kent and his wife Linda live in Northern Co l et t e B a r o n -R ei d California with their two children, Jacqueline and Ben. Page 45 - December, 2016