The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine December, 2016 | Page 24

1) We often tend to work together in groups so even if you have a name of what appears to be an individual angel the likelihood is that it?s a group of us. The only difference to this is your guardian angels, who can have names if they wish. This is usually so you can feel more comfortable about them. 2) Guardian Angels are like having your own personal posse of helpful buddies and they are not happy because you?re not including them in your everyday lives enough. Please do! They can be especially helpful when you are feeling scared, uncomfortable or unsafe. Ask them to shield you and you will find you have a wall to protect you as you go about your day. 3) The universe is built on love and gratitude? so please thank your angels daily and more often if you wish. Your thanks and gratitude increases your vibration and ours. 4) We are finding beautiful hearted souls are reluctant to ask for what they need and want and quite frankly this is slowing your progress down? so please? ask for what you want. We give you full permission to ask. Asking helps it come to you ? we know you very well and we may even be able to read your minds BUT we can?t act unless you invite us to help. That?s the law and you need to work with it. 5) Sometimes what you think you want isn?t truly what your soul wants and we serve your soul not your ego. So if what you want is not in alignment with your soul we may help you by pointing out this misalignment first, as a way to show what you really want. 6) We are co-creators with you and Source, we are not wish granters to your ego. The emphasis here is on co-creator. You will need to take some inspired action as well as ask us to help. Your work is to ask, listen to the nudges we give you to the place where inspired action can be taken. We will not do the work for you! That would be like teaching a child how to run by running for them! 7) If you are unsure what to ask for. Ask for ease and grace with your path moving forward. This is a very powerful request and opens up all sorts of delicious opportunities for you. Finally did you know that each year has its own set of angels who help bring forth what the year is about? And we?d like you to work with us through our signature. Yes, we have a signat ure just l ike you do. Medit at ing on t his signat ure wil l hel p you bring f ort h what needs t o happen f or you in 2017 (See Page 22). With our love and blessings and thanks to Melody for helping us? ? TheAngels Mel ody R. Green is an Angel Communicator, Soul Coach, Founder of The Angels?Academy, and an Award-winning Author. She has been working with the Angels for more than 20 years and lives in Newcastle, NSW Australia. Website: Facebook: https:/ / TheAngelsBlessingJar/ - a weekly meditation to help you and the people you love. Page 24 - December, 2016