The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine December, 2016 | Page 20

which your consciousness is currently focused ; a reality in which you can explore your individual dreams and desires , and exercise your loving creativity .
?? Your dreams are , if you like , the sacred connection between the you that you think you are ( your ego self ) and the whole self that is not , and never can be , fully focused in any one body , or in any single , physical reality .
?? the creative expression of your consciousness is cooperative and interactive with others . It must allow everyone free choice ? and be relatively unlimited so to speak , for all possibilities have equal validity ; and every aware being has a right to explore any possibility of their choice , in any reality that they choose .
?? Consciousness chooses loosely the overall themes it wishes to explore and experience for itself , in any so-called physical lifetime . It then chooses other people with whom it can interact cooperatively ? before setting about to make arrangements that will suit its purposes ?
?? When consciousness chooses to explore a central theme of beliefs in this way , it will often couch the challenge within a series of dream symbols . These symbols are a form of mental shorthand and are specially constructed to bleed through into your day-to-day reality ? ?
? The symbols , and the themes presented in such dreams , tend to be cyclic in their expression , and are presented at both the beginning , and end , of each new cycle of exploration .
? The same symbols may also present themselves to the dreaming self at any time during the cycle , as a reminder of the challenges it set for itself . The passage of time involved , between the beginning and end of such cycles , may span a whole lifetime . Or it may be as short as a couple of years .
? Large cycles may be punctuated by smaller cycles , each of which may also have separate beginning and ending dreams
? To make the most of the symbols presented , to understand the meaning of your dreams , and to give your life more focus and awareness , you need to work consciously with your dream symbols over a long period of time ? ?
As they begin to explore the various lessons presented to them , Aidan and Effie are given several exercises to complete ?
? Have you two finished the exercise I gave you ?
??? Yes ,? they responded , holding up a perfect pale blue cube of crystal they had just created together .
? What is this ? I asked you to write a quick summary of the history of the race .?
?? This is it ,? they replied together , as they handed Hans the perfect crystal ? It symbolises the story of the race , perfectly , Hans . See , there are five people , symbolising the five major continents and the five physical senses . They stand with their feet on the earth , and yet , they continue to have their heads in the timeless world of
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