The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine August Issue 2017 | Page 57

emotions that first come into play and then our conscious thoughts . When " feel " our way to a decision we obtain certainty better . For me , when I pay attention to my feelings before any thought process , it provides me with a clear direction as to whether something " feels right " ( pun intended ).
Nevertheless , because of what we were taught , we have out of balance emotional bodies . Angry emotions surface first and are our first indicator of imbalance . Until recently I consciously resisted feeling my way around them .
Be aware that this is their nature - strong negative emotions resist the input of conscious thought . They cause us to " go out of our mind ". This is because the overwhelming natural process that serves us best is to release our emotions .
Yet we fight this tooth and nail . We have been taught not to release strong negative emotions and to push them aside . While this is good in the moment , as we may hurt someone by letting them out - it does not negate the fact they still need release .
I find it best to not forget any of my emotions and release them when I get to an environment that allows me to do so comfortably - where their release will not harm others . Yet this situation of needing to release massive amounts of emotions is self-created because if we had released our emotions as they came up throughout our lives , there would be no need for massive emotion releases currently in our lives . This huge release is only required because we have buried our emotions year after year and now the energy release is massive and multi-layered . This goes for both positive and negative emotions .
Virtually all illness and disease is caused by stress . Stress is a result of us not dealing appropriately with our emotional body . Stress shuts down our immune system and it also shuts down our energetic body which allows us to open up to the energy we require to empower healthy physical and mental balance . When we are joyous we want to jump up and down with joy and hug everyone ( well I do anyway !). This is frowned upon as well , so we subdue our joyous emotions which leads to a blocking of love and joy through our heart and we become what some call a " colder " person . When we allow these imbalances to continue , we create a continual deterioration of our bodies and that leads to " death " as we know it . In our natural state , we have no need to experience death . It is our lack of acceptance for who we are , fully and consciously , that has created this imbalance .
Martin Neil Campbell is an author and business executive who is dedicated to helping people improve their lives by assisting them to find out who they are and who they want to be . As a dedicated supporter of individual spirituality , he believes humanity ? s last major hurdle is in achieving individual empowerment and freedom . His passion is helping people to discover their true Sovereign Self . Visit his website at http :// www . receivingthegiftwegive . com and listen to his popular show Sovereign Self on Law of Attraction Radio Network by going to https :// loaradionetwork . com / sovereign-self .
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