The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine August, 2015 | Page 33

every form of matter. Three things are essential in this. All that I do is a search for them. I know I will not find them, but I will not give up on them. JOURNALIST: What are these things? TESLA: One issue is food. What a stellar or terrestrial energy to feed the hungry on Earth? With what wine watered all thirsty, so that they can cheer in their heart and understand that they are Gods? Another thing is to destroy the power of evil and suffering in which man?s life passes! They sometimes occur as an epidemic in the depths of space. In this century, the disease had spread from Earth in the Universe. The third thing is: Is there an excess Light in the Universe? I discovered a star that by all the astronomical and mathematical laws could disappear, and that nothing seems to be modified. This star is in this galaxy. Its light can occur in such density that fits into a sphere smaller than an apple, a heavier than our Solar System. Religions and philosophies teach that man can become the Christ, Buddha and Zoroaster. What I?m trying to prove is wilder, and almost unattainable. This is what to do in the Universe so every being is born as Christ, Buddha or Zoroaster. I know that gravity is prone to everything you need to fly and my intention is not to make flying devices (aircraft or missiles), but teach individual to regain consciousness on his own wings ? Further; I am trying to awake the energy contained in the air. There are the main sources of energy. What is considered as empty space is just a manifestation of matter that is not awakened. No empty space on this planet, nor in the Universe.. In black holes, what astronomers talk about, are the most powerful sources of energy and life. JOURNALIST: On the window of your room in hotel ?Valdorf-Astoria?, on the thirty-third floor, every morning, the birds arrive. TESLA: A man must be sentimental towards the birds. This is because of their wings. Human had them once, the real and visible! JOURNALIST: You have not stopped flying since those distant days in Smiljan! TESLA: I wanted to fly from the roof and I fell: Children?s calculations could be wrong. Remember, the youth wings have everything in life! JOURNALIST: Have you ever married? It is not known that you have affection for love or for a woman. Photos from the youth show you were handsome man. TESLA: Yes. I did not. There are two views: a lot affection or not at all. The center serves to rejuvenate human race. Women for certain people nurtures and strengthen its vitality and spirit. Being single does the same to other people. I chose that second path. JOURNALIST: Your admirers are complaining that you attacking relativity. The strange is your assertion that the matter has no energy. Everything is imbued with energy, where it is? TESLA: First was energy, then matter. JOURNALIST: Mr. Tesla, it?s like when you said that you were born by your father, and not on you. TESLA: Exactly! What about the birth of the Universe? Matter is created from the original and eternal energy that we know as Light .It shone, and there have been appear star, the planets, man, and everything on the Earth and in the Universe. Matter is an expression of infinite forms of Light, because energy is older than it. There are four laws of Creation. The first is that the source of all the baffling, dark plot that the mind cannot conceive, or mathematics measure. In that plot fit the whole Universe. The second law is spreading a darkness, which is the true nature of Light, from the inexplicable and it?s transformed into the Light. The third law is the necessity of the Light to become a matter of 1