The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine April, 2017 | Page 6

In the Law of Attr action, W ho or W hat Exactly Is GOD? By Dr. Stanley Gr avely, Ph.D Author of the Book, The Law of Attr action Bible There is onl y One Power and Loving Presence in t he Universe t hat most cal l GOD, who is the Life Source Energy of all we see and cannot see. God is the Infinite Intelligence of the Universe that governs all of creation and sustains all of creation through Life Source Energy. - - - - God is indeed infinite, omnipresent, and omnipotent. God is the Source of all life and is ultimately LOVE. God is not a god of duality that loves and hates, or is good and evil. God is Love who cannot hate or do evil as many have tried to claim. God?s character has been misrepresented and assassinated by well meaning people. However, the sacred truth is that God is Love. - - - - - God is not an angry, judgmental god who is out to get you in a bad way. God is for you. God loves you. God has never hated you or ever wanted to torture or kill you! God is a loving parent who desires for you express the wonder and beauty of your individual self. You are a wonderful creation of God and extension of God and YOU originate from this loving, life source energy. That is because YOU are Source Energy. This Sacred Secrete is the First Law of God, which is the Law of Love. God is Love. Embrace this and realize this wonderful truth.