The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine April, 2017 | Page 26

12 Dai l y Pr act i ces Th at Cou l d Rever se or Pr even t Al zh ei m er ?s By Featur ed Colum nist Ellen Wood As promised in my last column, here are the daily practices that I have used to reverse early Alzheimer?s. I continue to practice these action steps to keep the Alzheimer?s gene I inherited in the ?off? position. To make them into habits, start with just 2 of these practices 5 days a week for 3 weeks. Then add 2 more for another 3 weeks and continue adding 2 every 3 weeks until you are practicing all the ones you feel are right for you. Use sticky notes as re- minders. 1. Cut way down on sugar. Some scientists are call- ing Alzheimer?s: Diabetes Type 3. Aim to limit sugar to 15 to 20 grams a day. Read the labels of everything for the sugar content. Too much sugar screws up the brain and suppresses the immune system, among many other ghastly things. I don?t count the sugar in fresh fruit. 2. Dry brush your skin. This not only removes dead skin cells; more importantly, it reduces stress (which also screws up the brain) and helps your lymphatic filtration system release toxins. Get a good body brush with natural bristles ? one with a long handle because you?ll probably be doing this yourself (a lover might get distracted.) Always brush towards your heart. 3. Drink hal f your body weight in ounces of wat er. And change your diet. Eat more veggies and non- farmed fish. Cut down on simple carbs, like white bread, white rice, white pasta, potatoes and desserts. 4. Observe your t hought s. When your mind chews on something over and over, it can actually change the structure of your brain. The best time to practice observing your thoughts is when you?re brushing your teeth since you don?t need your conscious mind to brush your teeth ? it?s all muscle memory. Write on a sticky note: What am I thinking right now? and put it by your sink. 5. Rel ease t oxic emot ions. Negative thoughts and emotions can get stuck in your physical cellular en- ergy system and prevent you from experiencing joy. Learn to release these blocks to good mental health with this technique: feel the negative emotion as strongly as you can, then drop the story. When the story creeps back in, feel the emotion as strongly as you can, then drop the story. Continue until you can actually feel the release of the negative charge. Skip this one on days that you?re feeling happy. 6. Writ e an af f irmat ion seven t imes. Compose a short, positive statement like, ?My mind is clear and sharp.? Write it four times with your dominant hand, twice with your non-dominant hand and once more with your dominant hand. Before you go to sleep, review what you?re grateful for. 7. Do t he Tibet an Rit es of Rejuvenat ion. These miraculous, ancient physical movements are highly effective for rejuvenating your brain and your body. Go to my website and click on the third video to see how to perform these Rites. Skip this one if it?s too difficult. 8. Get your body moving. Practice quick-burst, high intensity exercises called interval training exercises to pump up your heart and brain. Or take a brisk walk.