The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine April, 2017 | Page 24

to feel . The reason many people are drawn to the Law of Attraction is a desire for a better life . But the secret to cultivating a feeling of wonder , and thus turning over your manifestations to your authentic self , is to approach your everyday life with that same sense of wonder and curiosity . Too often we look at the world around us through the eyes of the past and the experiences we have already had ; we approach everything with the memory of how we saw it the day before , the week before , or the year before . Begin to revisit your everyday surroundings by seeing them ( again ) for the first time . Do you ever pause and look at your home , your friends and relatives , or events in your life with a feeling of gratitude , wonder , or awe for how marvelous they are ? Choose an object or person to start and see if you notice something new and remarkable , something you had not previously noticed . Can you find something about that person or object that sparks some sense of gratitude or appreciation or excitement ? If it helps , remember what it felt like the first time you encountered this person or object and re-inhabit those feelings .
The daily practice of gratitude and wonder for your life helps to retrain your mind to see the world around you through new eyes , to see the magic and miracle in what you already have , as if you were always seeing it for the first time . With practice , you will develop the ability to remain focused on the feelings of wonder , curiosity , and awe at what begins to show up in response to your invitations to your authentic self . By doing so , you remain open and curious about what shows up , even when it doesn ? t conform to your expectations . By training yourself to invite with wonder , you will soon watch your life unfold as one endless stream of manifestation miracle after another , each one producing more awe and excitement . That ? s when you ? ll realize just how wonderful your life truly is .
Patrick Paul Garlinger is the author of When Thought Turns to Light : A Practical Guide to Spiritual Transformation ( 2016 ), and Seeds of Light : Channeled Transmissions on the Christ Consciousness ( 2017 ). He lives and works in New York City , where he works with clients to understand their true self and release the past so that they can live authentically . He does not subscribe to any particular religious doctrine but believes that we are all connected to the same source of unconditional love . To learn more , please visit www . patrickpaulgarlinger . com .