The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine April, 2017 | Page 20

How long until I receive my desire? How fast your desires manifest depends on the amount of time you spend focusing on it, and how specific you are about what you want. In other words, when you have wanted something for a long time, the attraction is stronger than if you are thinking about it for the ?rst time. How do I know if my thoughts are in alignment with my wishes? Pay attention to how you feel. Your feelings and emotions are a natural built-in guiding mechanism. They tell you if you are in harmony or disharmony with your dreams. For instance, when you are in misalignment with your dreams, you may feel that life is a struggle and hard work. When you are in alignment with your dreams, life will flow naturally. Your feelings also give you feedback on your thoughts - if your thoughts are negative, you feel bad. If they are positive, you feel good. So, regularly stop and ask yourself, ''What am I thinking? What am I feeling? Then adjust your thoughts and feelings until they bring you into alignment with your heart's desires. The secret to the Law of Attraction is to choose your thoughts wisely, and to ensuring that they match your desires. Do not put your energy into focusing on fears as you may manifest them into your life. Ensure that your beliefs, thoughts, and mindsets are positive and optimistic. However, if you are an unhappy person, I recommend that you focus on manifesting happiness before moving onto other things like money, a car, a companion, health, etc. I strongly suggest raising your vibration before attempting to manifest your wishes, because you cannot hold yourself a vibrational match to your desire while feeling unhappy. I advise that you deliberately choose to be happy by searching for a better feeling state than your current situation, and continue to grow from there. Below are ways of holding yourself a vibrational match to your wishes: 1) Gratitude: Be grateful as this sets a positive energy of attraction in motion. The more gratitude you feel, the more abundance you will magnetize. 2) Visualization: A big part of achieving what you want lies in your ability to visualize it. The mind looks for ways to turn the mental image into reality.