The Science Behind the Law of Attraction Magazine April, 2017 | Page 19

acquire the energy to manifest it. You cannot attract when focused on challenges. If your thoughts are positive, and you still do not manage to manifest your desire, then you have subconscious limiting beliefs that conflict with your wish, and this blocks manifestation. For example, let?s say you want to attract money, but at the same time, you have limiting beliefs that say, ??Money is bad. Money is hard to get. Money is the root of all evil. I must struggle to get money. I am broke. I can?t afford that. That?s too expensive.?? These limiting beliefs mean that you are focused on money through negativity ? this creates separation between you and the resources needed to attain money. Therefore, you prevent attraction from taking place. Five steps to help you identif y and remove limiting belief s: Step 1: State your intention - this is enough to awaken your limiting belief s regarding that goal. Step 2: Be Mindf ul. The f act that you get clear on what you want causes limiting belief s to surf ace. Write them down as they pop up. Step 3: Questions Your Belief s. When you encounter belief s, ask yourself , ''Do I believe what I am thinking?'' If you answer yes, ask yourself , ''Why do I believe it? Is it true? Where is the proof ? Does it serve me? Do I want to continue believing it?'' When the mind doubts and says that you cannot do something, look f or evidence regarding the limiting belief . 99.9% of the time there is no proof , it's all in your mind. Step 4: Create New Belief s by af f irming the opposite of the old. Step 5: Engage in new behavior and activities to match the new belief . Finally, when your limitations are removed, focus positively on your goal, feel its existence within you, and the Law of Attraction will bring you together. Page 19 - April , 2017