The Review Issue 8 | Page 23

To advertise in The Review email [email protected] 23 'Ahoy there! over 100 ste warton kids had an awesome week at the jk church landlu bbers summer holiday club. there was loads of fun with games, c r af ts, a dr ama, songs, bib le stories and jokes! the fun con tinues e very sunday mor ning at 'clues to u se' where over the ne x t 8 weeks we will con tinue our pir ate theme as the children solve more clues and take part in lots of fun activities to find ou t more of what it means to follow jesu s. this will take place during our nor mal t r ailb la zers time 11am12.30pm. no need to book! aar rgh! t hree of ou r pi r at es wi t h a keen sen se of a dven t u re a n d n o f ea r of hei ght s (well sort of !) wi ll be ta ki n g pa rt i n “zi p sli de t he cly de” , a n a dven t u rou s cha llen ge e ven t Hairdressing by Caroline Lavery Emma Dawson beauty therapist and Allan Gilbert hairdressing Hair Gel Nails Nail Art NSI Acrylics Manicures Pedicures Spray Tans Caroline Lavery: 07990 976643 • Beauty by Emma Dawson: 07837 748884 Hairdressing by Allan Gilbert: 07854 410533 15 Lainshaw Street, Stewarton KA3 5BY to r a i se m on ey for emm s i n t er n at i on a l’s li f e-saving hea lt hca re p roject s in ind ia, m a lawi a n d n epa l. check ou t w w w.john kn ox .org.u k on how to su pport t hem "