The Review Issue 2 | Page 14

14 To place editorial email [email protected] st. columba’s church update christm a s at s t. c o lu mb a ’ s wen t v e ry we l l i nd eed wi t h s ome e x c e l l e n t at t enda nces at the d i ff e r e n t act s of wo rship a n d c e l e b r at i ons . The annual family party was an extremely happy afternoon of fellowship and fun and engaged the excitement of lots of children not only from our Sunday School but from wider afield. Our Sunday Club children, Choir and Music Group did a superb job of leading worship at the musical Nativity Play which took place on the Sunday just before Christmas. We had great attendances at the Christmas Eve All-Age Celebration and also on Christmas Day where our friends from other churches joined us. The Christmas Day Service was led by Revs. George Lind, Gavin Niven and Gordon Smith when the children displayed some of their presents and the Ministers tried to connect these to the Christmas story. We collected £826.71 (including the Gift Aid element) for the International Charity: TEAR Fund and are very grateful to the congregation and friends from other congregations for their generosity. This money has gone towards TEAR Fund’s work in the Philippines. In the run-up to Christmas, the children and congregation took part in two annual Appeals. They filled 90 Christmas shoeboxes for the Blythswood Care Appeal and these were all sent to Eastern Europe in time for Christmas. They also produced 80 parcels for East Ayrshire Churches Homeless Action Appeal. Margaret and Lauren collecting toys for homeless children easter events at st columba’s Palm Sunday, 13th April at 11am in Church: All-Age Service Thursday 17th April (Maundy Thursday) at 7.30pm in Church: Maundy Thursday Communion followed by the annual Service of Tenebrae (darkening) Good Friday, 18th April 2 – 3pm in Church: “Last Hour at the Cross” Easter Day, Sunday 20th April at 8.30am on Gameshill, Stewarton there will be a short all-age inter-Church Easter Celebration, followed by a painted egg competition before the children roll their eggs. Breakfast will follow this year in John Knox Church Hall. This increasingly popular event attracts around 150 people. Easter Day, Sunday 20th April at 11am Easter Celebration in Church