The Real Estate Browser Volume 9, Issue 1 | Page 6

6 — Say you saw it in The Real Estate Browser of Lynchburg — Volume 9 Number 1 Happy New Year, and Wow is it Cold! By Drew Howard , President, HomePro, Inc. Now is a great time to prepare you home for snowfall. I recom- mend taking a trip to the local hardware store and stock up on ice melt, fertilizer, and snow shovels. According to the Farmer’s Almanac we are to receive 3 significant snow storms this win- ter. I do not know if we will get snow, but the main thing is to stay up to date on the weather forecast. removal and disposal of ashes. Never put ashes Select a snow shovel that is comfortable to you and your body frame. My neighbor showed me a trick on using a snow shovel. Take a can of W-D 40 and spray the surface of the shovel front and rear. Wet snow will not stick to the shovel. When keeping walkways clear and free of slip- pery conditions there are several products on the market. Snow and Ice melt is the most popular. I have found fertilizer to work well. Make sure you use fertilizer that has a high Urea percentage. Usually a 48-0-0 works the best. You have to be careful not to use too much because the run off in the melting stage can burn the grass. If you are using a pure salt solution this can cause con- crete and masonry surfaces to spall and deterio- rate. Always read the manufacturer directions. the closed position. With outside water sources I hope by now all garden hoses have been disconnected and drained from the hose bibs. You can purchase Styrofoam covers for hose bibs at the local hard- ware store. If your home is on a crawl space, I recommend closing all vents to limit drafts under the home. If your water heater or pressure tank for the well is located in an un-heated space it is recommended to wrap them in insulation. Any pipes that are exposed to drafts and freezing should be insulated also. If you have a fireplace or use a wood burning stove for heat remember to be smart about the in plastic container i.e. garbage can or bag. Do not leave your ashes against the home; especially vinyl siding. Never put ashes on a wooden deck or in the woods next to your home. Always remember not to burn pine wood or colored paper. If you are NOT using your fireplace this winter remember to make sure the damper is in If you have LP gas logs or gas space heaters always read the manufacturer recommendations for use. Most appliances are not intended to be a permanent heat sources. Some gas logs discour- age the use of ceiling fans while the appliance is on. Make sure your TV or paintings are installed far enough above the opening of the fireplace. Too much heat can damage or start a fire. Take time to test smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors. Always read and follow the manufacturer directions when installing. If you are using extension cords or space heaters make sure they are UL approved. Never use an exten- sion cord that is smaller than the appliance wire size. This will cause the extension cord to over- heat. Don’t forget if you heat with oil or LP gas to keep an eye on the fuel level of the tank. If you haven’t changed your furnace filter lately now is a great time to replace. If you have any questions about your home please give me a call. (434) 660-3449