The Real Estate Browser Volume 8, Issue 17 | Page 6

6 — Say you saw it in The Real Estate Browser of Lynchburg — Volume 8 Number 17 Why You Should Attend the Home Inspection By Drew Howard , President, HomePro, Inc. After 25 years of performing home inspections in Central Virginia, I still get amazed that the home inspection is not attended. I performed an inspection the other day for a realtor’s son who was purchasing a home. Neither one felt the need to attend the inspection. I texted the client when I was about 15 minutes from completion so he could come over. After we spent an additional hour of going back through the home, he was amazed at what I had discovered and wished he had attended the inspection. The home purchase is the single biggest monetary investment most of us make in our adult life. There are many articles, books, and web sites on how to purchase a home. Very little is taught in schools on home buy- ing or maintaining a home. I have stated many times that the home inspector is there to educate you on the home you are purchas- ing. He should be able to communicate with you the positive as well as the deficiencies of the home. Explain normal maintenance, wear and tear, life cycles, and preventative maintenance. You should never be discour- aged from attending the inspection by any- one. It is my experience that I can perform the inspection faster with you there than with you showing up at the end of the inspection. That forces the inspector to go back through the home and explain everything that was discovered and go over the systems. I have found it to be far more rewarding to have the client with me during the whole inspection. You can see first-hand where water shut offs are located, gfci resets are located, and where I am able to go in the home. Four or more sets of eyes are always better than two. The home inspection is a road map to help you navigate the purchase of your home. No home is perfect and the inspec- tion process is there to help shed light on 85% or more of the potential problems that could arise in home ownership. Remember always attend your home inspection. You are about to take ownership and move into the home. The 2-3 hours of the inspection is well worth the time to attend.