The Post 2016 | Page 5


How many coats of paint do you add?

Is the silicone thick enough?

Can it keep everyone out?

Is it strong against their eyes?

Maybe you should do it, do it, do it.

Stop. Wait. Listen.

You have to be careful, very careful.

Plastic breaks and snaps,

Then they'll see, see, see.

Stop. Wait. Listen.

So if it breaks, what will you do?

Will everyone hate what they see?

Will you be fed poison, or sweets?

Will you be shoved, or held?

What will happen, happen, happen?

Stop. Wait. Listen.

The masks that we wear,

We wear them for different reasons.

Some masks are small,

Others are more complicated.

Yes, complicated, complicated, complicated.

Stop. Wait. Listen.

With every word from your lips,

Deceiving; more layers of paint.

Layers of plastic.

Trying to make it stronger,

A tougher mask that can't be ripped off.

Stronger, stronger, stronger.

Stop. Wait. Listen.

Will you ever take it off?

Or will you be among the people,

Forced to wear it for eternity.

That would be a pity, but no one wants pity.

Sorry, sorry, sorry.

Stop. Wait. Listen.

One day, we can take them off.

Plastic Masks Kaitlyn Lopez 7-3 Poetry