The Post 2016 | Page 42

Misfortune J'niah McAllister 8-2 Short Story

I looked in the mirror and sighed at my reflection. My bluish-green eyes reminded everyone of my mother. I couldn't think about what had happened to my family anymore. I just needed to take a break….from everything.

I tied up my long, dirty blonde hair in a high ponytail and finished cleaning my glasses. I placed them on my face and everything became so much clearer.

I walked out of the unsanitary school bathroom, grabbed my books, and headed back to class.

I handed all my work in early and finished all of my homework in class. Since it was my last class of the day, my teacher told me I could leave.

I pulled my phone out of my back pocket and checked my notifications. I saw that my boyfriend, Connor, had texted me about 20 minutes ago.

“Hey meet me in the parking lot behind the school.”

I returned his text with a simple ‘ok’ and took the elevator down from the top to the bottom floor.

I took the usual route to the back of the school and saw where his car and my car were parked. He was leaning against his white Hummer on his phone and when he looked up and saw me walking towards him he smiled and made his way over to me and placed a kiss on my cheek.

“I got your text, is everything okay?” I asked, concerned.

“Yeah”, pulling me into his arms and hugging me, “I just wanted to know if I could take you out to an early dinner?”