The Portal | Page 9

THE P RTAL July 2015 Page 9 “The monks see themselves as the defenders of pure Orthodoxy and they are very critical of the different meetings and the agreed statements that are coming out from the Orthodox/Catholic contacts.  There are bound to be circles in the different Churches, not only the Ecumenical Patriarchate, but in the churches council of union of  Russia, Romania,  Bulgaria  and  Greece, in which “The last such council between Catholics and there will be those who will be extremely suspicious of Orthodox was the one I mentioned just now, in meetings of this kind.  Florence from 1438 to 1439.  An agreement was signed “There is a second point. Within Orthodoxy, that the overwhelming majority of the Orthodox is tension between Constantinople subscribed to, but subsequently this was rejected in there the Orthodox East, so that council, important though and  Moscow.  Constantinople, by long standing it was historically, was a failure.  But let us pray that tradition, has the position of first among equals within there may be another council of union which will be the Orthodox world and the recent Patriarchs have taken an active role in acting as the mouth-piece for more successful.  Orthodoxy.  “What we must do, is to prepare for such a council.  “The Patriarch is often called ‘leader’ of the Orthodox We should not just treat it as something that will happen out of the blue.  Yes, we do believe in the power Church in the Western press, but that is not a term and grace of God, but He expects us, on our own side, in technical Canon Law.  Moscow on the other side is to contribute our human efforts, Therefore there is a the largest Orthodox Church and there are people in need for councils not only to be received but also to Moscow who say, ‘since the fall of the Byzantine Empire and then of the Ottoman Empire, Constantinople has be prepared.”  lost most of its flock and its seniority has now become widely differing views something theoretical.  We of the Russian church are Ronald commented that there have been criticisms the largest and we should be endowed with leadership over Patriarch Bartholomew’s meeting with Pope in the Orthodox world.’ Francis, not least of which came from the Moscow “Now Moscow does not dispute that in the Canonical Patriarchy.  He said. “I don’t want to put you on the spot, but I just want to give you the opportunity to structure of the Orthodox Church the Ecumenical Patriarch is first, but sometimes in Russia it is felt that comment if you want to.” he takes too active a role in representing worldwide His Eminence responded, “There are at least two Orthodoxy.  factors to be taken into account here.  First, within “There is a tendency in the  Church  of  Russia  to the Orthodox Church there are widely differing views about Ecumenical contacts and work for Unity.  say that this meeting between the Patriarch of We hav