The Portal | Page 5

Snapd ragon THE P RTAL July 2015 Page 5 When in Rome do as the Romans do Snapdragon breathes life into an old saying The countdown to my annual family holiday is underway. Truth is, I enjoy preparing for a holiday almost as much as the holiday itself. There’s something deeply satisfying about laying out all the necessary maps on the living room carpet and getting to grips with one’s destination weeks before setting off. The hours that others spend preparing for their trip shopping and in hair and tanning salons I spend genning up on my destination of choice, so guidebooks arrive with me on holiday already well-thumbed and falling open at the pages and places that have piqued my interest most. The idea of showing up in a place utterly ignorant of its geography, its history (and its good restaurants) is just unthinkable.   Most of my holiday destinations are European, but even within Europe there are cultural differences that is pays to be familiar with. Little things, like the Italians not sharing our compulsion to do ever ][