The Portal October 2016 | Page 3

THE P RTAL October 2016 Page 3 Portal Comment Speech is silver: Silence is golden Will Burton is troubled about how to cope with chatter before mass  For reasons that we do not need to go into, I have recently had to move to a different church for mass. The people in my new church are lovely; mainly working class – if one may still talk in such terms – friendly, welcoming, and straightforward. However, the noise before mass on Sundays is deafening, with everybody chatting away, greeting each other in a most cordial way. In any other place it would be wonderful, but in church, prior to mass, it is a pain. I find prayer impossible. Children can be chatty in church. This is not children. These are adults chatting about everyday things. “How are you?” “Is Mrs Smith getting better?” “I saw my grandchildren on Thursday. My, they do grow up so fast!” That sort of thing. Just chit-chat. During mass, they take their part in the liturgy and all is well. Well, that is, until Father dismisses us. The server opens the sacristy door and holds it open for Father. Before the sacristy door is closed, the conversation has begum again! I have taken to saying my pre-mass prayers outside church, or in the car if it is raining. What a state of affairs! It is impossible to pray in church before mass because of the noise. Now, I have been to daily mass now for nigh on forty years. I know that distraction in prayer may be dealt with by incorporating the distraction I have noticed that some churches display, in the into one’s own prayer. Somehow, I just cannot do porch, a notice that declares, Speak to God before mass that. I cannot concentrate on preparing for the Great and to each other after mass. We have no such notice, Sacrifice of the Mass amidst all the chatter. although the Parish Priest has put a notice in the weekly sheet to the effect, “Please keep silence before Of course, the other point is that it is not doing my mass to enable all to pray. Refreshments available in two lady friends any favours with their preparation for the school hall after mass. All welcome.” mass. They have their thoughts firmly on each other, rather than on the mass. He is new. Before he arrived we did not have refreshments after mass. I suppose he is trying to It is not that they are bad people. Both of these ladies provide an opportunity for the people at mass to chat are lovely. They have been most welcoming. But they to each other, to socialise. My friend, who sometimes are so noisy and inattentive when others are trying to plays the organ for Sunday mass told me that one concentrate their minds on the liturgy about to come. Sunday a lady actually requested that he play the voluntary before mass less loudly! What is the answer? Ought I to mention to them that silence is golden? I have noticed that some people flee Believe it or not, things are no better at the weekday to the far corners of the church building, but when I mass. Every day the two ladies who sit in front of me tried this, the noise was just as distracting. The chatter chat away about this and that, mostly about nothing at was a bit quieter, so that one found oneself straining all, right until the bell rings and the server and priest to hear what was being said! Oh, how I pray for an emerge from the Sacristy. answer to this problem.