The Portal October 2015 | Page 24

THE P RTAL October 2015 Page 24 The Synod on the Family A few thoughts from Geoffrey Kirk As I write, the October Synod is almost upon us and the Holy Father is in the United States telling the world about global warming, much to the chagrin of the sixty-nine Catholic Republicans in the House. (There are 68 Democrats.) What are we to make of recent events? The changes in canon law relating to annulment have been variously assessed. Some are convinced that they render marriage, as one commentator put it ‘a good deal less indissoluble’; others see them as sensible rationalisations which make little substantive difference. What is clear, from Pope Francis’ own description, is that they were intended to be more generous and more compassionate. Why promulge such changes immediately before the Synod, you will ask.  Was it to pre-empt a conservative backlash, or to steal the thunder of the liberal crusaders?  Who can tell? The opposite is in fact the case. What John Bingham (‘Social and Religious Affairs Editor’) did not say why let the truth spoil a story you are aching to tell? - was that the majority of respondents disagreed fundamentally with all those he quoted. The Bishops’ summary, forwarded to Rome, reflects that fact. As ACTA (‘promoting respect and dialogue in the Church’) despondently remarked: ‘If this is the tone of the Bishops’ briefing to the Synod, it will suggest that the English laity are so in accord with traditional teaching, that there is no purpose in the Synod at all.’ So what will be the ultimate outcome? On verra bien avec le temps (‘time will tell’), as they say. By the next Meanwhile, The Daily Telegraph (assisted, or at issue of The Portal we will all know. least not contradicted, by Archbishop Nichols) has given the clear impression that a majority of English Catholics is seriously at odds with the Magisterium on all the hot issu \ΰ