The Portal November 2018 | Page 3

THE P RTAL November 2018 Page 3 P ortal Comment Sacrifice or Meal? Now that is the question! Ronald Crane reflects on the Pilgrimage and Congress Adoremus T he Mass and Eucharistic Adoration have been a popular theme in Catholic circles recently. No doubt the Pilgrimage and Congress, Adoremus, has much to do with this. There is no question that the Adoremus experience was special. All present will remember it for a very long time. The crowds, the talks, the friendships made, the worship, the adoration; the street procession, all impressed themselves upon those who made the journey to Liverpool for those momentous days. One of the speakers at Adoremus went so far as to The service sheet for the Mass in the Metropolitan Cathedral of Christ the King on the Sunday morning ask the question, “Is the mass a meal or a sacrifice?” One was disappointed that the speaker could not bring had this on page two:- herself to declare that it is both, but that the meal The Mass leads us on to the sacrifice: and that the sacrifice is the memorial of that made by Our Lord himself upon the At the Last Supper, on the night he was Cross. (Catechism of the Catholic Church, paragraphs betrayed, Jesus instituted the Eucharist, or the 1365 and 1366) Mass, to perpetuate the sacrifice of the Cross throughout the ages until he should come again. In his excellent book Heaven and Earth in Little Space, Mgr Andrew Burnham makes the point valid The Mass is an act of thanksgiving to God for his for all in the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of saving work; it is a sacred meal which nourishes Walsingham, that the difference between the Anglican us spiritually and anticipates the heavenly Eucharist and the Catholic Mass is that in the former banquet, and it is a holy sacrifice, making present the Dominical Words (This is my Body: This is my the one true sacrifice of Christ our Saviour. Blood) take the congregation to the Upper Room and the Last Supper. Indeed, in many Anglican Churches, Roman Catholics believe that Jesus Christ the Altar is adorned by a picture of that very Last is truly present at the Mass; in the assembly Supper. The sacrifice therefore is our sacrifice of praise. gathered as the Body of Christ, through his Word made present in scripture, but supremely However, in the Catholic Mass, those very same under the appearance of bread and wine. In Dominical Words take the congregation through the the Eucharist the body and blood, soul and Upper Room and the Last Supper to the foot of the divinity of Jesus Christ is wholly and entirely Cross and Christ’s once for all sacrifice upon it. That present.  Strengthened by this sacred food, we go “Once, only once and once for all” sacrifice is made forth to build up the Body of Christ in this world, present in the mass and upon that Altar all Christ’s and to bring his healing and salvation to all peoples. salvific work is offered to the Father. Since becoming a Catholic when the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham was brought It saddens me that the Catholic Church ceases to into being, I have heard many a talk about the mass. In stress this aspect of the mass, preferring the “nice” many cases this has stressed the “holy meal” character doctrine of the memorial meal. Perhaps celebrating of the mass. Even, on occasions stressing that the mass facing the people has something to do with it. heart of the mass – the most important part – is our After all who was it said, “You worship what you look reception of Holy Communion. If the word “sacrifice” at?” Could it all be part of the reduction of Catholic is mentioned at all is often in the context of “our Christianity to making people “nice” rather than sacrifice of praise”. saving their souls?