The Portal November 2017 | Page 19

THE P RTAL November 2017 Page 19 Anglican flag. The Revd Spencer Jones, The Revd Dr ageing and diminishing constituency sitting in church S H Scott, The Revd H J Fynes-Clinton and The Revd halls sipping tea and coffee, telling one another that William Monahan, among others, met on a number of they are ‘all the same really’”. occasions with their Catholic counterparts. Those interested in, and wishing to engage with, Vickers notes with approval the emergence of what I choose to call “real ecumenism” would do well Anglicanorum Coetibus, and the Ordinariates. He to read this book.  rightly understands that Spencer Jones “would be horrified to be considered the precursor of a Published by Gracewing ISBN 978 085244 916 5 movement whose proponents today can appear an Price £14:99 Conclave by Robert Harris A review by Barry Barnes T hose who attended the Festival in Westminster will have heard Fr Lucie-Smith refer to Robert Harris’s recent book “Conclave”. The book features the Dean of the College of Cardinals, a Cardinal Lomeli and starts with him hurrying to the bedroom of the Pope who has died in the night. The Pope is not named but it is clear that the book is set around the happenings following the death of the present Holy Father, Francis. Reference is made to the Pope having been elected following the abdication of his predecessor, and the fact that the Pope lived in Hotel Santa Marta rather than in the Vatican Palace. are taken by coach back to the hotel for the night and then return by coach the next morning to continue their deliberations. At one stage it looks as if Lomeli will be elected much As Dean of the College Lomeli has various functions to his consternation, but he is spared and a cardinal is to perform following the death, the most important of duly elected. which is to summon the Cardinals for the Conclave to elect the new Pope. The book is well written and is worth a read with an unexpected twist at the end which I will leave you to As the Cardinals arrive in Rome so various meetings discover for yourself. take place as they discuss in their groups the person they would like to see elected and try to persuade   others for whom to vote. Naturally some want a liberal Forms of words for Making a Bequest minded pope others a traditionalist. The one person in favour of the Personal Ordinariate who is certain that he does not want to be elected is of Our Lady of Walsingham in your Will Cardinal Lomeli, who hopes that the new Pope will I GIVE to the Ordinariate of Our Lady allow him to retire. of Walsingham, 24 Golden Square, London W1F 9JR, the sum of ______ pounds (£ ) and When the Conclave is due to begin the Cardinals I DIRECT that the receipt of the Treasurer or other gather in the Sistine Chapel and are marked off as proper officer of the Personal Ordinariate of Our present with any over 80 years being discounted. Just Lady of Walsingham shall be good and sufficient before the doors are about to be locked a prelate arrives discharge to my Executor. or and gives his name, Vincent Benitez, Archbishop of I GIVE the residue of my estate to the Baghdad. Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham, 24 Golden Square, London W1F He is unknown to the others and apparently was 9JR, and I DIRECT that the receipt of the Treasurer made a cardinal in pectore (in secret) by the late pope or other proper officer of the Personal Ordinariate shortly before his death. Whilst during the conclave of Our Lady of Walsingham shall be good and the Cardinals are locked in the Chapel, each night they sufficient discharge to my Executor.