The Portal November 2014 | Page 8

THE P RTAL November 2014 Australia Pages - page 8 A Compassionate Woman: Caroline Chisholm Australia Pages This remarkable woman’s life is outlined by J T Stockman In 1808 a daughter was born to a well-to-do farmer and his wife, William and Sarah Jones, in Wootton a village south of Northampton. William Jones had been married four times; his first three wives had died either in childbirth or from illness. Caroline was William’s youngest child, and she, by contemporary standards, had the extraordinary total of 15 siblings. New South Wales William was an upright man and Sarah was blessed with a kindly and pleasant countenance, constantly practising Christian principles in their daily lives; neither could ever be accused of being parsimonious. Caroline was christened and brought up in the traditions of the Church of England. Tale has it that, when Caroline was quite young, her Father arranged for a badly wounded soldier to stay at their home. Archibald took ill and, instead of returning to their homeland, they decided to move with their two sons to the colony of New South Wales, the climate in Australia being decidedly beneficial for Archibald’s health. Arriving in October 1838, they settled at Windsor, West of Sydney. They became aware of the difficult conditions that faced emigrants, particularly young women, many of whom arrived penniless, friendless and without any means of support. William conveyed to the family the debt of gratitude the community had to this man who had fought for the nation. This had a profound impact on Caroline Thus Caroline Chisholm commenced her and remained with her throughout her life. philanthropic ventures in Australia. During the next seven years she placed over 11,000 people in homes As she matured, she became aware that she was being and jobs, established homes for women in Sydney and called by God to dedicate her life to help the needy and rural areas of the colony. oppressed. In latter years she provided invalu