The Portal May 2018 | Page 24

THE P RTAL May 2018 Page 24 Poles Apart! Julia Beacroft T he Seasons and the weather have been the focus of my attention recently. Therefore, at this time of the year, I move on to the ‘marvellous month of May’… My elder son is a teaching assistant in a primary not for a moment hesitate to undertake the greatest school – a rewarding, demanding and often challenging commission of all time, and one which was to have the role, but one to which he, nevertheless, gives his heart most far-reaching effects for mankind – ever. and soul. Yet he has been a bit fed up lately… And so during this month of May, may we celebrate Unravelling the life and commitment of Mary our Mother, Queen As the season is now set to change again, most schools of May. And as for my son - his advice regarding the are turning their thoughts to spring activities. And of May dancing is:  ‘Don’t touch it with a barge or any course, his is no exception. Some of the children there other kind of pole!’ have been tasked with learning to maypole dance. The   Julia Beacroft is an author, editor, workshop leader dance is performed by pairs of boys and girls who stand and presenter in Catholic faith formation alternately around the base of the maypole, each holding Her book ‘Sanctifying the Spirit’ is available from the end of a ribbon. They weave in and around each AMAZON, or Book Depository other, boys going one way and girls going the other and Please visit for more information. Follow Julia on Facebook the ribbons are woven together around the pole until Copyright © 2018 Julia Beacroft - all rights reserved the merry-makers meet at the base. My son explained that this sounds so simple in theory, but the practice Geoffrey Kirk is still poorly. is a very different matter! The children apparently, Please keep him in your prayers. seemed unable to grasp the idea at all, going the wrong way and tangling the ribbons until it was impossible to continue. And there are no prizes for guessing who had the monumental task of unravelling them! But unfortunately, there was still worse to come! In despair, the class teacher nominated the long suffering teaching assistant – my son – to be one of the maypole dancers, in a bid to ‘sort the children out’. To say that he was reluctant and felt an absolute fool during the process would have been an understatement! Greatest Commission During the month of May we honour the Virgin Mary as ‘the Queen of May’. And rightly so. And yet this was not only because she was born without spot or stain of sin – a perfect vessel to carry the Lord – but also because of her absolute obedience and faith in God. This great faith enabled her to give an unequivocal “Yes” to God, when asked if she would become the mother of Jesus Christ. Mary must have wondered what would become of her when the news of her impending motherhood became known, as this would have been completely flying in the face of Jewish conventions at that time. Yet despite this, her commitment to the Lord was absolute – ‘Let this be done to me’.   My son was reluctant and embarrassed about performing his allotted task – dancing around the maypole. In contrast, our Lady, Queen of May, did