The Portal March 2019 | Page 4

THE P RTAL March 2019 Joanna Bogle asks some uncomfortable questions S Why are there so few on the bridge? Page 4 o let’s get blunt. Why aren’t more Anglicans keen to join the Ordinariate? Of course there are lots of reasons – as many as there are potential but non-joining people. So it’s only possible to reflect on information gained from personal knowledge. na wri tes For some, it’s a non-starter. They lament the muddles crowds at World Youth Day or at Youth 2000, or who in modern Anglicanism – especially apparent moves to have been impressed by the work of local groups of bless same-sex unions or offer celebrations for people Mother Teresa’s nuns or similar? announcing a change of sex – but they are uninterested Pope Benedict, on his visit to Britain in 2010, in the Catholic Church. revealed a deep and realistic understanding of They disagree with what they know, or think they Britain’s particular heritage. The call to Anglicans know, of Catholic doctrine, and regard Catholicism to come into full communion with Rome was made with a vague, benign distrust. Churchgoing is a matter with an understanding of the urgency of this stage in of involvement with a local particular Anglican church. our history, and a full grasp of challenges that face all Sometimes this extends even to simply abandoning Christians in the West over the next years. the practice to religion when popular vicar retires, or The Ordinariate is an adventure in which it is a when some other change awakens a sense of irritation. privilege to share – even in a tiny way, for example as For others, particularly clergy, it’s a sort of endless a contributor to T he P ortal . I have Anglican friends postponement: whatever the Catholic Church offers, who feel they have been “de-churched”: they find the it isn’t really enough – at any rate, not yet. Things are CofE a place of worry and concern rather than of OK as they are. Sort of. There is physical if not spiritual sacramental action. security. Home, useful work, and hoping that things They admit to finding themselves in agreement with may get better, seem preferable than a complicated the teachings set out in the Catechism of the Catholic fresh start with all its uncertainties. Church. They have a sense of wanting to belong to the And, for clergy, there is uncertainty – that’s another worldwide Church. They are now in contact with the point. The Catholic Church doesn’t guarantee to ordain local Catholic parish and are happy about it. anyone. There is a procedure to be followed. There is There is no Ordinariate nearby: rather a pity. the risk of being turned down. Whether fairly or not, one might be left stranded. And there are many more issues, some substantial, some apparently trivial – but nonetheless real. Is the Ordinariate doing enough to welcome Anglican searchers who long for clear doctrine and union with Peter and who love an English liturgy that has a simple, dignified and familiar feel? Do Ordinariate events have the look and “feel” of being accessible to evangelically-minded men and women of the sort who have been impressed by seeing, for example, young You are invited to join the Rosary Fellowship For full details and an application form please contact Br Robert Augustine at: The Retreat of Our Lady and St Benedict, 63a Wells Road, Walsingham NR22 6DX [email protected] 01328 820130 Please could clergy bring this initiative to the attention of any of your people who do not have access to this publication