The Portal February 2016 | Page 12

THE P RTAL February 2016 Page 12 An Inspirational Group Jackie Ottaway and Ronald Crane visit Hemel Hempstead It was the day of the first snow of the year. Nevertheless, we made it to St. Mark’s Hemel Hempstead in time for mass at 8.45am. The Ordinariate Group that meets there is a lovely group. Yet, it has been through the mill somewhat. Fr Bugby retired to Norfolk, and the group has been without a priest for some time now. Despite this, they are in good heart and numbers have remained stable. On the Sunday we attended, there were forty or so present at mass, this included children. After mass refreshments were on offer. Because of our visit, these included cake as a special treat. A treat, of which we took full advantage! is so important. The group kept together, we had to just survive.” Brian said, “We are pleased to have Fr Simon now.” They told us, that what really helped them to get a priest was to find accommodation for him. The group raised the cash, which was added to by various grants, and they were able to purchase a house. Brian took up Brian Cox Brian Cox, a company secretary; John the account, “It now has an extension. Our Worley, a local funeral director, and two old friends group is smaller than when we began. Two families of ours did as much as anyone to keep things stable have moved away and one person has sadly died. But during the long interregnum. we are growing. Two people were confirmed last year and a family is waiting to join us.” John told us that things had not been smooth, “We have been tested,” he said. With Fr Simon now firmly installed, Brian added, “Yes, but two years without he wanted to meet the group away from a priest – it has been fun and we have had church, so the next day they were all wonderful priests doing duty for us, some meeting at the Three Horseshoes for a at very short notice. Many have travelled social. All the while the group had no some distance to be with us.” John told us, priest, they kept the practise of have post“We were one of the first groups to lose mass refreshments. This was so much their priest, that is to say, he moved on. the case, that one