The Portal February 2016 | Page 10

THE P RTAL February 2016 Page 10 Thoughts on Newman Standing or sitting Dr Stephen Morgan muses upon the fact that Blessed John Henry Newman stood at his desk to write his Apologia pro vita sua addishness - a neologism which my computer’s spell-checker doesn’t recognise, incidentally - F characterises much of modern life. Driven by the need for the editors of glossy magazines and Sunday newspaper “Lifestyle” sections, it seems as if every week a new practice of food or attitude is prescribed as the way to a happy, more successful and (inevitably) more prosperous life. I am told that recently the panacea for all our ills, for the growing obesity crisis arising from our sedentary jobs, has become the standing desk. No longer are we to sit comfortably on our office stools and chairs - conscious ever of our core muscles and the need to maintain good posture - but, it seems, now we are to stand at high-writing desks as we draft our emails and populate our spreadsheets’ little preformatted cells. was still wet.   Not yet it is a mark of the genius and evident holiness of Newman, as he wrote one of the great spiritual autobiographies of the Christian tradition, that there is barely an awkward phrase, an ill-judged expression or an unmeasured opinion. Standing at his desk, seized of an urgent compulsion to answer Kingsley’s libel, John Henry Newman combined penetrating self-understanding with charitable assessments of others, in an account that is both complete and concise: a genuine “great book” of human culture. This, it is said, will make us more efficient, less inclined to wallow in indecision, slumped over our blotters like so many slaves over the oars of the Venetian galleys, and, what is more, will ensure that we burn more calories without even noticing it. There For most of us, the risk of standing desks and is nothing new under the sun, as the author of the a proper sense of urgency is that we won’t give book of Ecclesiastes might have put it. important business, that crucial sensitive letter,  Of course, there are those for whom standing at a the difficult problem the leisured consideration it desk is made necessary by a medical condition - one deserves. Few can have escaped the growing sense such works in our diocesan offices - and most of us are of regret, turning to shamed dread that comes from aware that, at least since the time of Queen Victoria, having dashed off a quick response to an email on a that most curious survival of the medieval Curia Regis, contentious matter. Suetonius tells us that Octavian Caesar Augustus - was a meticulous planner, whose the Privy Council has met standing. favouring Greek expression was speude bradeos, I have even removed the tables and chair from which the Roman historian rendered by the more board rooms when chairing meetings to effect the familiar festina lente. same dispatch in dealing with important, yet routine Our magpie tongue has rendered this prosaically as business, which the resident bore might turn into an “make haste slowly” or more poetically in the aphorism opportunity to expatiate at length on trivial items.     “more haste, less speed”. There are those who can stand When he felt obliged, compelled even, to respond at their desks, churning out measured responses to to the allegations of insincerity levelled at him by the daily avalanche of rude, badly constructed, crass Charles Kingsley, in a little over six weeks John Henry emails that arrive through the ether. Most of us aren’t Newman wrote his Apologia pro vita sua. He wrote it able to do so and, pace Lifestyle gurus, that doesn’t standing, at a high writing desk that you may, if you make us bad people. A comfortable chair, or do we ask the fathers of the Birmingham Oratory politely, stand at our desks? see in the library of the Oratory House on the Hagley Once in a while, however, it does us good to be Road. reminded that some, even the very great, have ways of The story is that the printer was so keen to have doing things which they, at least, are able to do without the manuscript that his messenger-boy would take the evident down-side risks attendant upon those the completed sheets from the desk whilst the ink practices for us lesser mortals. contents page