The Portal December 2015 | Page 14

THE P RTAL Advent Supplement “. . . ardent Christians . . .  [who] become bearers of light, bright torches in a world of darkness and gloom. Illuminated by the light of Christ, they have an overwhelming influence on others, enkindling the fire of Christ in their hearts . . .   A few such highly-endowed men will rescue the world for centuries to come.” [11] What Newman here described, and to what his history of relationships and his correspondence bear witness, is a method of evangelisation that is, in effect, a theology of evangelisation by friendship.  Indeed, the Opus Dei priest and Newman scholar, Fr Juan Vélez, has suggested that so strong is this theme in Newman’s work that, should he be ever declared a Doctor of the Church, it should be under the title doctor amictiae –  doctor of friendship.[12]   Page iii passions, and by means of these indirectly become operative’.[16]  ‘Real assent’ is that assent which, when we give it to a proposition, changes the way we behave, the way we believe, the way we live and it is this ‘real assent’, which is, for Newman, the character of true ‘belief