The Portal December 2014 | Page 20

THE P RTAL December 2014 Page 20 A meeting with the Ordinary As we approach the fourth anniversary of the Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham, Jackie Ottaway met with our Ordinary, Monsignor Keith Newton Jackie O: Father, we are approaching the fourth ann iversary of the Ordinariate of OLW. What have we achieved in that time? Mgr KN: It is a short time in the history of the Catholic Church. Our achievements have been modest, but significant. We have helped about 1500 \people into full communion with the Catholic Church, and prepared for Ordination around 86 former Anglican priests, who are now Catholic priests. We have two to you they want union with the Universal Church, the Religious communities in full Communion. People question is, what do you think that might look like in practice? are showing interest in us. We have about 40 groups of different sizes who are worshipping together regularly. Some of them are well established, others are having difficulty, but that’s to be expected. It is amazing; we began something entirely new that had never happened in the Catholic Church. We’ve had festivals and other events and these will grow. I am told that the Ordinariate has made a significant difference in parts of the Church. Of course, there are other parts which have little understanding of the Ordinariate and we have to address that. We are an experiment of what this looks like in practice. We have something that is united with the Catholic Church, but not absorbed. Ecumenism must not be only talk; it must work out the practice. We are not the only way, but the Catholic Church has been prophetic in that it has embraced a tradition which comes from the west, from the 16th century originally. It’s almost like a free province. We came in under the auspices of the Apostolic Constitution Anglicanorum Coetibus, which was specifically about responding to a request that Anglicans had made to the Holy See to further corporate union whilst retaining aspects of Anglican Patrimony, consistent with the Catholic faith. It has incredible ecumenical implications. When Anglo Catholics say Cardinal Nichols spoke about a balance, at our festival in September, between distinctiveness and communion with the wider Church. We have to get that balance right. If the Ordinariate is being absorbed, we need to ask why. We’re not going to enrich the Catholic Church if we do not bring particular things which are going to help us. Jackie O: Some of our groups are becoming indistinguishable from diocesan parishes, whilst others are flourishing. How would you see the position Jackie O: Some people are asking what the developing? Ordinariate is for. Mgr KN: It is inevitable that some people will Mgr KN: The Ordinariate is about bringing into the get absorbed into the local Catholic culture. It is wider Catholic Church aspects of the life of a Christian disappointing, but expected. This is not the vision denomination which was formed in 16th century of the Ordinariate, which should be growing England. That is the most important significance. distinctive groups worshipping in a distinctive way Anybody could have gone to their local Catholic priest with a distinctive life. That’s why it’s important for and said, “I wish to be received into full Communion”. an Ordinariate group to worship regularly using Those of us who joined the Ordinariate did not do either the Ordinariate rite or music from an Anglican that. background. contents page