The Portal August 2017 | Page 22

THE P RTAL August 2017 The priest is acting in persona Christi, so his personality is subdued. It is Christ offering the sacrifice and the victim is Christ himself.  The custom of celebrating ad orientum — which Divine Worship appears to support — will create a reordering of the people of God.  I think we underestimate just how dramatic a shift — or reorientation — that is for the Church. 5.  Pope Francis recently stated that “the problem is how to build the parish.”  Do you agree that this is the central issue for the Ordinariate, or are we building something different?  Page 22 question of one love keeps clear the motivation for why we do what we do. 7.  Finally, you’ve now got Trump and we’ve got Brexit and another election looming.  Is it time for Catholics to re-read documents such as Rerum novarum, which Saint John Paul II described as an “indispensable gift” for Catholic social teaching and the whole concept of the common good —   to counter extremism and what the Children’s Society report recently described as an “excessive individualism”?   When we speak of Catholic social teaching, what strikes me is we often speak about it in its effects, rather than in its motive or in its point of origin.  In those early centuries, in those places where the Gospel had been preached and groups of people, for example, returned to the cities where there may be disease and famine whilst everyone else was leaving the city.  Why So Ordinariate groups have to make an interior shift were they going in to retrieve those who were very that they will cease to be a group and become a parish; sick, almost dead?  in our context (St Bede), we are hosted by the parish of the Holy Family, Minnesota, so this is where God has Their answer was, that they were imitating God. placed us, and our first task is to become visible. So I God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself.  always wear clericals. Catholics do the care of their neighbours because their neighbours matter to God — because there is nothing I always wear a cassock. I’m visible. And for the more insane than that the God of the universe should faithful, they always have to be ready to give a reason take on human form, to humiliate himself so that he for the hope that they have. And so I encourage them could rescue even people who could not care less. — even if they say it badly —  to give witness; when That’s the wonder of the Gospel! they see somebody in the grocery store, speak to them This interview has been seen, modified out of the hope that the Gospel gives them. The Gospel and approved by the Vice-Chancellor has — pregnant within it — an enormous amount of (Director of Communications hope, but people have to matter enough to us that we & Strategic Planning) will actually open our mouths and speak.  So we are of The Personal Ordinariate about building a local Catholic community. I am not sure if I know what Pope Francis had in mind when he said this, but by the very nature of the case, the Catholic Church necessarily takes on the local dimension. When people receive the Gospel, they are formed into Catholic communities and parishes. 6.  Your parish is dedicated to St Bede the Venerable, whose Ecclesiastical History of the English People is cherished by so many of us.  Bede quoted Pope Gregory’s words to St Augustine when he sent him to evangelise these islands in 597: “Do not let the toil of the journey or the tongues of men put you off the mission.”  Is that fair advice today for us?  Absolutely. Jesus says, “Do not fear him who can destroy the body but fear him who can destroy both body and soul in hell,” and he said, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your soul….and love your neighbour as yourself.” Jesus calls us, then, to one love and one fear.  That fear keeps us from weighing in the question of human approval.  It only matters what God approves.  The of the Chair of Saint Peter Forms of words for Making a Bequest in favour of the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham in your Will I GIVE to the Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham, 24 Golden Square, London W1F 9JR, the sum of ______ pounds (£ ) and I DIRECT that the receipt of the Treasurer or other proper officer of the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham shall be good and sufficient discharge to my Executor. or I GIVE the residue of my estate to the Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham, 24 Golden Square, London W1F 9JR, and I DIRECT that the receipt of the Treasurer or other proper officer of the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham shall be good and sufficient discharge to my Executor.