The Portal August 2014 | Page 8

THE P RTAL August 2014 Australia Pages - page 8 Archbishop Daniel Mannix: A Man of His Times Adrian Lanagan continues his account of a giant of Australian Church and State Australia Pages O n 19th May 1917, the Melbourne Catholic newspaper of the time, The Advocate, dedicated its front page to The Most Reverend Daniel Mannix D.D.,LL.D, the new Archbishop of Melbourne. The sub-heading read, “A Distinguished Scholar and Educationalist - Ireland Lost a Gifted Son, and Australia Gained a Useful Citizen”. a year after ordination, he succeeded Dr Esser in the junior chair of philosophy scant or scarce for a well rounded appreciation of his character and standing in Ireland. He burned documents, wrote letters sparingly and kept no diaries so that posterity could not ‘analyse my soul’’”. At the age of twenty six Archbishop Mannix was ordained a priest, on 8th June, 1890, at St Patrick’s College, Maynooth, Ireland. His career at college was rapid and brilliant. In 1891, a year after ordination, he a conspicuous leader of the succeeded Dr Esser in the junior chair of philosophy Pioneer temperance movement It goes on to tell us further, “Mannix travelled and three years later he became the professor of abroad on vacations, belonged to the exclusive Papal theology. Household Club in London, rode with other professors He next became vice-president and in 1903 president to hounds, but although tolerant of conviviality, was of Maynooth College. During his Presidency he a conspicuous leader of the Pioneer temperance received the Papal Delegate, Cardinal Vannutelli, in movement. 1904 and King George and Queen Mary in 1911. As His probity, care for rubrics, discipline and deference the Advocate article stated, “This was what ‘may be termed the first stage of a brilliant career, leading as to the hierarchy led to his appointment as viceit did to the presidency of one of the most famous president and then rapidly, president (as mentioned colleges in Europe, the nursery of priests in Ireland’. above) of Maynooth in 1903 by unanimous election. Henceforth he rode only in a brougham. Rome His career as president was also distinguished”. appointed him monsignor in 1906. nominated by the Government as Senator of the National University The article went on to further state, “Under Pious X he became a Domestic Prelate of the first rank, with the title of Monsignor and also Canon of the Cloyne Chapter. He was elected Senator when Maynooth joined with the Royal University and with several others of the heads of the affiliated colleges he was made a Doctor of Laws. When the Royal University was dissolved, Dr Mannix was nominated by the Government as Senator of the National University, Dublin”. The Australian Dictionary of Biography, (Volume 10, (MUP) 1986, writing on Dr. Daniel Mannix, tells us, “Sources are too contents page St Patrick’s Cathedral, Melbourne