The Portal Archive September 2012 | Page 14

THE P RTAL September 2012 Page 14 Letter from America Eucharistic Foundation by Fr Timothy Perkins In early May, Fr Eric Bergman, who was ordained under the Pastoral Provision in 2007, became the first priest of the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St Peter. Then, on June 2, Fr Matthew Venuti was the first to be ordained priest for the Ordinariate. Through these events, the foundation was laid on which the presbyterate of the Ordinariate is being built. By the end of another month, nearly twenty others would be ordained priests. Only half a year after being established on the Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God, a North American Ordinariate has become a visible reality. privileges It has been one of the greatest joys— Frs Chuck Hough IV, Mark Cannaday, Christopher Stainbrook, Joshua and one of the greatest challenges!— Whitfield, Chuck Hough III, and Timothy Perkins with Mgr Steenson of my life to be part of this particular moment in the history of the Church. One of the In and of themselves, these ordinations ould distinct privileges has been to accompany many dear be cause for great celebration. But what is most friends in this shared journey. I was encouraged by significant is that they empower the life and spiritual and, by grace, was enabled to give encouragement to ell-being of the communities of the faithful for whom faithful seekers who began preparation to be received each priest has esponsibility to provide pastoral and into the Church over two years ago. sacramental ministry. The importance of this cannot be overemphasised. Many of them helped me to form the first “community in waiting” when we stepped out of our familiar In the “Instruction on the Worship of the Eucharistic Anglican parishes in order to respond to the Apostolic Mystery,” Eucharisticum Mysterium (1967), the Constitution in late 2010 and early 2011. Members faithful are taught that “no Christian community of that original group are now the core of two small- can be built up unless it has as its basis and pivot but-stable Ordinariate communities. During the same the celebration of the holy Eucharist. It is from this time period, I and several of the clergy with whom I therefore that any attempt to form a community must served in the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth, met begin” (VATICANCOUNCIL II: The Conciliar and regularly for prayer and mutual support and worked Post Conciliar Documents, Flannery, ed.). to encourage others to respond favourably to Pope be who we are Benedict’s invitation to enter the larger unity. Though we and our people had gone through Ordinations months, sometimes even years of instruction and Even though our individual circumstances required formation; though we had deepened our faith and that we move at different paces, we continued to strengthened our commitment through prayer and strengthen our bond with one another as time service with and to one another; and though we were progressed. This bond of Christian friendship blessed to make this journey together, in an important has been an abiding blessing. It enriched us with way, we have only begun our true formation as extraordinary joy and gratitude when six of us were Christian communities. We began to be who we are ordained together, first as deacons on May 29, and when we celebrated our first Mass as communities in then as priests on June 30. full communion with the Catholic Church.