The Portal Archive October 2012 | Page 13

THE P RTAL October 2012 Page 13 Thoughts on Newman Newman on the Reasonableness of Faith by Br Se an of The Work ‘Surrender’, ‘abandonment’ and ‘trust’ are very apt terms for describing what we understand by our experience of faith. Alternatively ‘Rational’ may not come to mind so spontaneously. Yet the reasonableness of our faith is an essential characteristic of both its Credal form and in the lived experience of the faithful. the unity of seemingly opposing realities of religious faith, rather than being extraneous to our rational nature, was in fact ‘perfectly consistent’ with We are prone, often unintentionally, to create a it. In 1829 Newman preached the sermon ‘Religious false dichotomy between what we understand as Faith Rational’ in which he sought to show how rather opposing realities in the various dimensions of our than being either solely emotionally charged, or human existence. However it is the unity of seemingly logically motivated, the assent to faith was based on opposing realities, such as faith and reason, body reasonable decisions. and soul, human and divine, which defines the very Catholic understanding of God and reality. Mary … ‘pondering’ the mysteries In subsequent sermons Newman held up the Blessed Indeed it is the inclusion and uniting of apparently opposing elements in the complexion oppositorum Virgin Mary as the most eloquent example one who that distinguishes Catholicism from the very rigid sola responds to the decision which faith poses in our lives on the basis of its very reasonableness, rather than methodology of Reformation theology. from cold intellect or emotive enthusiasm. Newman Comfort … or mere personal opinion set about explaining the evangelists’ portrayal of Mary Liberal factions at Newman’s time were inclined as ‘pondering’ the mysteries of God which touched her to view religious faith either as comfort for the life, and ‘treasuring them in her heart.’ simpleminded and emotionally weak, or as mere personal opinion which could be changed and adapted It was here that Newman had seen her as one who at whim. Alternatively rationalist would venture to unites in harmony her powers of reason with the gift accept articles of faith, but only after they had been of faith. Throughout her life the Blessed Virgin Mary logically proved and empirically founded. Newman’s exhibits the authentic relation between the aspects generation was in many ways reaping the first bitter of the motion of human reason, the intervention of fruits which the philosophical and theological Divine Revelation and the constant response of reason upheaval of previous centuries had instigated, namely, to this revelation: an almost total divorcing of faith from reason. ‘Mary is our pattern of Faith, both in the reception and in the study of Divine Truth. influence of the She does not think it enough to accept, she historical method in exegesis dwells upon it; not enough to possess, she uses What was causing all the more reason for alarm, it; not enough to assent, she develops it; not particularly in Newman’s time, was that the unabated enough to submit the Reason, she reasons upon influence of the historical method in exegesis, which it; not indeed reasoning first, and believing had originated in the theological faculties of Germany, afterwards, with Zacharias, yet firs t believing meant that Scripture was being questioned by teachers without reasoning, next from love and reverence, of theology. reasoning after believing.’ The Grammar of Assent Newman’s well known work The Grammar of Assent sought to challenge these views by showing that the act We can therefore say that the faith of Mary represents both the faith of the simple as well as those of the doctors of the Church – for its object is one and the same.